View Full Version : NATO disbands; will become book club

03-04-2003, 03:25 PM
NATO disbands; will become book club

Trump to convert U.N. into luxury hotel/casino

http://www.NewsAndOpinion.com | The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has ended its storied existence as a military alliance but will continue on as a book club, French President Jacques Chirac announced today.

"NATO members will meet in Paris next week to discuss our first official selection, the best-selling romance novel 'The Bachelor,' by Carly Phillips," President Chirac said.

NATO's decision to become a book club may have been hastened by recent fractious comments made by member state Belgium, who yesterday threatened to "engulf the United States in a hellacious sea of fire."

Even though Belgium eventually retracted the comment when it was reminded that it did not have any means of engulfing the U.S. in a hellacious sea of fire, "the damage was done," one diplomat said.

In a related development, President George W. Bush today authorized real estate developer Donald Trump to convert the United Nations headquarters into a luxury hotel and casino to be completed by early 2004.

As a construction crane lifted a "TRUMPWORLD" logo onto the shimmering steel and glass structure, Mr. Trump announced that the entertainer Cher would wrap up her farewell tour on the casino's main stage, currently the meeting place of the U.N. General Assembly.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan took the news about the U.N.'s demise in stride, saying, "While I am saddened by this development, I am thoroughly enjoying Carly Phillips' 'The Bachelor,' which is a real page-turner."

Mr. Bush's impatience with the U.N. may have reached critical mass with the world body's recent decision to name North Korean President Kim Jung-Il to head the United Nations Commission on Soothing Language.

03-04-2003, 03:39 PM
Tell the truth, techie, the book club was your idea:p