View Full Version : Stretch mark help!!

02-25-2003, 10:21 AM
Okay I lost weight five pounds in four weeks eating weight watchers food and boost shakes.
Problem I have bright red stretch marks on my upper inner thighs that slowly fad as they get to my knee!
I can never wear a swimsuit again or a skirt, how can I get rid of them??
I'm so embarassed it was like boom they where there overnight, I used cocoa butter it did not work..
I have bought The Firm and plan to start using this every other day with weights..
How do I get my thighs slimmed down? Including my back side? I hate my after baby look my son is 2 and the depo don't help! I see women that have three children to 5 kids with a flat tummy and I have a big saggy roll. I look like I'm three months pregnant!
Any help for this area? how do I get that sexy flat tummy?
Or are my firm as a rock days over?
I also would like to perk up my bosom make them hard and firm like the female weight lifters, boy the havic pregnancy can do to your body!
I'm a size 14 and would like to be a 12 by summer get rid of my rolly polly body..
Or stay at 170 and firm up and loose the thighs, belly, butt, tummy and love handles..

02-25-2003, 10:29 AM
sweetie, bad news. stretch marks are a kind of scar tissue. scar tissue does not ever go away. you can fade them some, coca butter helps. tanning helps camoflouge them too......but they will not go away.

02-25-2003, 10:33 AM
Crunches might help your tummy, but after 23 years, I've given up. A lot of times, once the ab muscles are 'stretched,' they just don't go back. You'd have to really work hard to get a washboard tummy.

As far as stretch marks, sorry, but no matter what anyone says or tries to sell, they are scars. They don't 'go away.' The redness will fade to a light silvery line, but they are always going to be there. Creams, ointments etc. just won't do it. Time will fade them. Skin tone and muscle tone varies from person to person and there is nothing you can do to prevent stretch marks either. The cocoa butter, vitamin e lotions etc. might make you feel better, but they really don't do anything beyond conditioning your skin at the surface.

Trust me on this. I weighed 105 when I had my son almost 30 years ago. Gained over 40 pounds. My stomach looks like a road map. A friend was 25 pounds overweight when she had her first child, only gained 18 pounds and has just as many. Sorry, there's just no miracle cure for stretch marks.

Best bet for your breasts is a good underwire bra. The breasts are made up of fatty tissue. Only muscle is what 'attaches' them to your chest wall. Or you can get "D" implants. That should perk them right up! :D

02-25-2003, 12:33 PM
Sweetie, I am 27 and I have to live with them forever. I lostweight when I was about 16-17 yrs old, and they never went away. I tan in a bed everyonce and a while, that helps a little, but if you find the "wonder cream" let me know! LOL

If it makes you feel better, I have noticed that SEVERAl actresses have them too. I was watching an award show and noticed a few low cut dresses revealed them. Even the "d" cup implants wont take them away

02-25-2003, 12:50 PM
um, yeah, what they said. and now I will share a story that irritates me, just so you can be irritated too. ;)

I gained 60 pounds while I was pregnant. All of it very quickly, like 45 of it from 4.5 months til I had my son, so, pretty quickly! Now, some of it is on my hips & thighs & butt, but my stomach has been left this gross, squishy thing, covered with stretchmarks (they have faded to the light, silvery color, but they are there). Its probably a lost cause and will never be the same again, but I work at it anyway - I know it can at lease be better. ANYWAY, my sister started out her pregnancy already 50 pounds overweight. I though for sure she would gain more & get so much bigger with the pregnancy that she would end up with just as many stretchmarks as me. So, after she had her son (liek 2 weeks after), she is complaining about stretchmarks, and shows me her tummy. I WANTED TO KILL HER! She has 2 very thin stretchmarks on each side of her belly, the inner ones about 4 inches long & the outer oned about 6 or 7. And they are so thin! I was like 'HAVE YOU SEEN MY BELLY?!" adn she said no. So I showed her... she will never complain to me about hers again! I can't get over that she was complaining about the 4 thin little ones she got, her stomach is still more firm than mine, and I have that lovely roadmap to nowhere.

Anyway, just had to share, for some twisted reason. Good luck, and if you find that miracle cream, let me know!

02-27-2003, 08:08 PM

Also, you could try rose hip oil or those scar pads with silicone gel... I think Curad makes some, but I am not sure. You can ask the pharmacist at your local drug store.

02-27-2003, 08:13 PM
Isn't mederma an over the counter that they say works? I've been wanting to try it. I have never had a baby but I did lose 45 lbs and it gave me some that are silvery.

But can I just say I have had strech marks since I was about 12!!!

02-27-2003, 08:46 PM
I will gladly take your money and dump some lotion in a pretty jar and send it to you. I PROMISE you there are NO cures for stretch marks. Otherwise I (along with a million other women) would not have them.

02-27-2003, 08:49 PM
Your skin is usually fairly elastic, but when you grow or gain weight really quickly (like during puberty or pregnancy), you may get fine lines on your body called stretch marks. Stretch marks occur when the tissue under your skin tears from rapid growth or stretching. When the skin is over-stretched, it produces too much collagen, which can form the "scars" called stretch marks.

Stretch marks often show up on places like your breasts, thighs, hips, and butt. Most girls and women have stretch marks, so if you have them, you're not alone.

Although they're more common in girls, guys can get stretch marks, too. Guys and girls who are body builders are more prone to getting them because of the rapid body changes that body building can produce. Obesity can also lead to stretch marks. Stretch marks are also more likely to occur if a person uses steroid-containing (such as hydrocortisone) creams or ointments on their skin for a long time (more than a few weeks).

At first, stretch marks may show up as reddish or purplish lines, but they often will turn lighter (whitish or flesh-colored) and almost disappear over time. So if you're taking a trip to the beach this summer, you shouldn't stress out too much about them. Your stretch marks will usually fade and become less noticeable over time.

Although there are tons of products on the market that claim to eliminate stretch marks, the truth is you can't make them go away without the use of a form of plastic surgery called microdermabrasion. If you are concerned about your stretch marks, talk to a dermatologist.

02-27-2003, 08:50 PM
Getting rid of Stretch Marks
There are ways to get rid of, or at least hide, stretch marks. There are Doctors who are utilizing Laser Technology to get rid of stretch marks. This basically removes the top layer of the scared skin, to help reduce stretch marks. However, I'm sure you are all aware that all surgery has it's side effects, so be careful when choosing to take this step.

Besides lasers or plastic surgery, the only other way to "get rid" of stretch marks is to cover them with makeup. By mixing two shades of foundation, the closest shades to your skin color. You can get lotions to soften stretch marks, and make up to cover them, but unfortunately, they will do little more than that.

02-27-2003, 08:53 PM
Stretch Marks
Nearly every woman dreads them.

Most won't talk about them.

Striae gravidarum, or stretch marks are probably the most discussed and feared of the changes to the body during pregnancy.

These marks appear in 50 - 90% of all pregnant women, usually showing up in the later half of pregnancy as bright red lines, sometimes even purplish. While the majority will be on the lower abdomen they can also be found on the thighs, hips, buttocks, breasts and arms of women.

They tend to be pinkish in light skinned women, and in dark skinned women they will be lighter than the surrounding skin after pregnancy. They reflect the separation of collagen of the skin. While not painful, the stretching of the skin may cause a tingling or itchy sensation. A good lotion can help with the increased dryness or itchiness of the skin, but will not prevent stretch marks no matter how diligent you are or how much you spend on the cream.

While many people will swear by certain creams or lotions, the truth is there is not much you can do about stretch marks, you'll either get them or you won't. There are some factors that you should know contribute to stretch marks:

Family (If your mom or sister has them, guess what?)

If you had them in a previous pregnancy you may get them again, although usually just a darkened (temporarily) of the old ones and a light extension sometimes.

Weight Gain (Rapid or excessive will make this worse.)

Nutritional Status (Well hydrated and healthy skin stretches better.)

Ethnicity (African American women get them less.)

So, what now? Well, eventually they do fade after you have the baby, becoming silver lines. While most women don't think about them much, or consider them badges of motherhood, others want them removed. There are new techniques and surgeries being explored all the time. Talk to your dermatologist or plastic surgeon if you are concerned.

02-27-2003, 08:53 PM
Well, I am still going to try the mederma...it's used by dermatologists... I'm buying it off of ebay and if it doesn't work on the stretch marks atleast it will work on other scars. :)

02-27-2003, 09:30 PM
Is it a cover up like Dermablend? Let me know if it works. I've had stretch marks for 30 years.

02-27-2003, 09:36 PM
Nevermind. It's a gel with an onion base. Supposed to use it 3-4 times a day for 2-6 months.

Soothing Topical Gel for Scars.

#1 Physician Recommended Product for Scars.
Formulated with Cepalin™ Botanical Extract.
Greaseless gel.
Easy to use.
Helps Scars Resulting From:

Stretch Marks.

Satisfaction Guaranteed - The Mederma® Skin Care for Scars Money Back Guarantee! Our money-back guarantee makes it easy to try Mederma® Skin Care for Scars. Just apply it to your scar 3-4 times a day for the recommended usage period. If after regular us you don't see an improvement in one or more of the following - scar color, texture, appearance, or flexibility - simply return the unused product and prove of purchase to Mederma® Skin Care for Scars, P.O. Box 1898, Lawrenceville, GA 30046-9875 for a full refund.

Should be generously applied and gently rubbed into the scar 3-4 times a day for 8 weeks on new scars, and 3-4 times a day for 3-6 months on existing scars.

Store at room temperature.

Water (purified), Onion Extract (allium cepa), Xanthan Gum, Allantoin, Fragrance, Methylparaben, Sorbic Acid

02-28-2003, 12:21 AM
I know that Vitamin E is good for scars, whether surgical or stretchmarks. It doesn't erase them, but helps them not be SO bad. I have a scar running from my belly button up to just below my boobs from emergency surgery. I used Vitamin E and it helped the redness to disappear quicker and it keeps the scars soft. I have other scars I used it on, but won't share that here! Good luck!!

02-28-2003, 12:55 AM
Although I have never had a child, I started getting stretch marks on my hips and breast when I was 12 or 13. Anyway, Shea Butter actually helped fade the stretch marks and only cost about $4.00 per bottle, but they don't completely disappear only fades. Good idea to make it a routine after bath of shower or at bedtime. Takes about two months before u really begin to tell a difference.