View Full Version : Scrapbook help!!

02-09-2003, 11:46 AM
Okay, I'm working on my first scrapbook (of my wedding), so I'm still kind of new to this stuff. I'm hoping somewhere here can help me! I cut out "Congratulations" out of a card and want to use it on a page of pictures, but I'm concerned about it not being acid-free. Is this a big no-no? I really need it on this page! What would happen if I do this? Or is there some way to help it not hurt the pictures?

Thanks in advance!

Nessa :)

02-09-2003, 12:07 PM
i have been scrapbooking for 4 yrs i use creative memories
i do that i dont use everything they tell me to do
they say that they wont warranty the page if you dont use there products well think about it this way how can they really warranty the page if your pictures cant ruined it is not like they can give you back your pictures my scrapbooks are fine
you can email me anytime if you like azcowgirl77@hotmail.com

02-09-2003, 12:21 PM
I also use Creative Memories. I have a total of 6 full books and I have used cut outs like you want to. I havent had any yellowing of pages or pictures as of yet. Good luck and have a great time scraping :)

02-09-2003, 01:24 PM
I use archival mist for things like that - you can buy it at scrapbook stores and some craft stores. It's an aerosol spray that neutralizes the acid in the paper, making it safer to use in your layouts. Now, the only problem is that it's expensive:P A normal size bottle (can, whatever) runs about $40, unless you can catch it on sale. However, one of the scarpbook stores I go to carries a smaller size that is much less expensive, so that might be something to look into. Also, if you have a xyron machine (one of those scrapbook stickermaker/laminator things - obviously I don't or else I might could describe it better, lol), you could run the cut-out through that, and use it like a sticker. If you don't have one, maybe a friend does, or a scrapbook store nearby might have one, and you could use it during a crop session.

02-09-2003, 03:32 PM
Thanks for the help guys! I think to be safe I'd better not put it in the scrapbook the way it is. I've read now that after many years it'll ruin the pictures.

ckerr4 - wow, sounds like that spray is what I need, I'll have to see if I can find a small bottle of it! If not, I did find out that my favorite scrapbooking store does laminating, so that's my second option. Thanks so much!!

Nessa :)