View Full Version : Lexington Doctor SUED.......I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!

01-26-2003, 07:39 AM
It's a story that has a lot of people talking and wondering if it could happen to them. A doctor, performing what some consider a common procedure, placing his alma mater's initials on a part of his patient's body.

The lexington doctor in question is James Michael Guiler, an obstetrician gynecologist. He has patients who claim he does marvelous work. But at least one patient says Dr. Guiler crossed the line when he performed a hysterectomy on her in August of last year.

Stephanie means says during the hysterectomy procedure Dr. Guiler branded the letters U-K on her uterus before he took it out. Means attorney says his client feels violated by what he calls inappropriate behavior. Dean says his client's goal is to get an apology and make sure guiller never does this again. They're also seeking money for pain and suffering.

Late Friday afternoon, we received this fax from Central Baptist Hospital where the surgery was performed. In the fax, the hospital acknowledges that doctors do mark the uterus to help identify anatomical landmarks. And while the markings are determined by the doctor, the hospital's position is that all patients be treated with dignity and respect and that the markings be done in a way that's not offensive to the patients.

But an informed medical source told 27 NEWSFIRST that such markings play no role in follow-up examinations of surgically removed uteruses.

01-26-2003, 07:43 AM
This might seem like a very stupid, stupid question, but what did they do with the uterus? Did they actually remove it and just throw it away or did they put it back in place? I really do not know anything about this, but if they threw it away it wouldn't be a big deal, but I do not understand why he would brand it if it was put back.

01-26-2003, 08:12 AM
I think they throw them away?.......but why did he brand it??..I think he is sick LOL

01-26-2003, 08:21 AM
Organs are usually sent to pathology, then are disposed of. I have heard that sometimes removed organs are marked if there is an abnormailty so pathplogy would take note. What does it matter if the doctor put UK on the organ instead of an X? It is not in her body. Sounds like someone wanting some fast cash. Now do you see why our medical insurance rates go up? Hospitals have to pay to settle nuisance claims like this.

01-26-2003, 08:30 AM
Thanks for the info Marina..I had NO idea they did that..and just found it pretty wierd that they marked them..well NOW it makes sense to me...maybe your right :)

01-26-2003, 08:38 AM
Quite honestly, if I need a hysterectomy to save my life I don't care if the Dr. covers my uterus with leather and uses it as a football as long it's no longer inside me.

01-26-2003, 08:38 AM
If they just threw it away, I don't think this is a big deal at all...it would be like getting your tonsils taken out, someone put the initials BT for bad tonsils, and I tried to sue b/c of it...if this is normal practice, I have no problem with it.

01-26-2003, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by Marinafk
What does it matter if the doctor put UK on the organ instead of an X?

The reason why they are sueing, acording to my paper, is because he videotaped the "branding" and gave the videotape to the Husband after the surgery. Becuase of this videotape, they have lost "companionship" or some such, I figure she is so tore up (or he is) that they cant(wont?) have sex.

Please dont think Im making fun of this, but I have to wonder if the doctor thought the husband was a Louisville fan!

01-26-2003, 08:55 AM
but I have to wonder if the doctor thought the husband was a Louisville fan!

I know this isn't funny ..but your idea was :)

01-26-2003, 09:10 AM
Well, didnt that idea cross YOUR mind? I mean, you KNOW how UK/UL fans are!

01-26-2003, 09:19 AM
LOL ..No I didn't think about that ...BUT that could be it!

01-26-2003, 10:57 AM
If the organ is no longer in her body, I don't see why this is such a big deal. Even if it was still in her, nobody's going to see it, so what's the big deal? I think my main concern would be whether or not I'd remain healthy and not be in pain anymore. If my doctor could make sure that happened, he could write poetry on my uterus for all I care!

01-26-2003, 11:04 AM
It is a way to get money, by the way, how would the patient even know? they normally do not leave organs after removing them for paitents to see. I think that when they brand them, it is a way to let patholgists KNOW that this is diseased and should be disposed of immediately, i think that this is a petty case, hopefully the jugde sees it this way as well, as LONG as the organ was not placed back into the body ( which i dont believe it was ). some people will go to great lengths, to get money.:rolleyes:

01-26-2003, 11:31 AM
sorry guys...didn't mean to start a riot...just thought this was strange :(

01-26-2003, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Mikaela
It is a way to get money, by the way, how would the patient even know?

The "Branding" was VIDEOTAPED! And the video was given to the HUSBAND after the surgery. THATS how they know!

01-26-2003, 11:57 AM
Stephanie means says during the hysterectomy procedure Dr. Guiler branded the letters U-K on her uterus before he took it out.

The UK was supposed to be for his alma mater, and he did it BEFORE it was removed. I saw this on the news. Does anybody remember the story a year or so ago about the woman whose OB-GYN CARVED his initials into his patient's abdomen during a surgery?

01-26-2003, 03:12 PM
gave them the tape of the procedure. The procedure he did was a hysterectomy on each woman. His alma mater was the University of Kentucky.

It has been all over the news here and WHAS 11 even showed the tape of one of the women's procedures.

01-26-2003, 03:17 PM
he did it to 2 women?...hmmmm..and this is standard procedure?...

01-26-2003, 05:38 PM
Organs are usually sent to pathology, then are disposed of. I have heard that sometimes removed organs are marked if there is an abnormailty so pathplogy would take note. What does it matter if the doctor put UK on the organ instead of an X? It is not in her body. Sounds like someone wanting some fast cash. Now do you see why our medical insurance rates go up? Hospitals have to pay to settle nuisance claims like this.

This is EXACTLY right..and is the reason...this way if something cancerous shows up they can look at those exact spots and so forth..seems to me that this is def a "means to an end" to get fast easy money:( ITs EXACTLY the kind of people that make the word "sue" a "bad word"


01-26-2003, 05:41 PM
OK, I knwo Im in the minority here, but I can kinda see why they are sueing. I mean, he did the branding BEFORE he took it out. Fine, nobody wouldve known, right? Not a problem, EXCEPT he VIDEOTAPED IT and then, THEN!, gave the tape to the husband. WTF Was he thinking to tape it and then GIVE THE EVIDENCE TO THE HUSBAND??? To me its ASKING to be sued.

AND he did it to TWO women and BOTH HUSBANDS GOT TAPES!!!

DOes this NOT seem wrong to anyone else???

01-26-2003, 06:03 PM
the only other thing i can think why he would give tapes to hubbies is more of a male type joke.. like she no longer has periods..so no more "headaches" type thing..maybe??

01-26-2003, 06:28 PM
I don't know, but in my opinion, They toss it anyway after pathology is done with it so who caresif he marked the abnormal spot with his alma mater or a even a smiley face for that matter. When my mom had her hysterectomy, they asked wether or not she wanted a tape of the surgery(she said no), so maybe hubby asked for the tape??

01-26-2003, 06:44 PM
I don't know. I don't think I'd appreciate someone using my organs as a notepad. Initials, hearts, stars, numbers, scribbles, doodles, etc - unless it served an important purpose. If they were disposing of them, it wouldn't bother me... I don't think.

01-26-2003, 06:52 PM
I wish someone could explain to me just how carving a UK into my uterus is going to help with pathlogy? Wouldn't that kind of ruin the area that he wished to be tested? If I am not mistaken, when I had my hystrectomy, the doctor did not send my entire uterus to pathlogy. Rather he took pieces of the tissue & that was sent to pathlogy.
All I know is, if my GYN had carved UK into my uterus, he & I would have had a very long discussion. Besides the fact that I would find it a violation of my body, I also HATE UK!

01-26-2003, 09:41 PM
My mother had a hysterectomy in 1967, long before taping anything was possible. She had so many fibroids on and in her uterus that the Dr. SAVED it in formaldyhyde (sp?) and it is now in a Ball State University medical teaching lab somewhere.

01-26-2003, 11:12 PM
I think the guy got the tape, like he asked for and bam, he saw it and was grossed out, that is why he and his wife are having a hard time sexually, not because of a certain marking on a now extinct part of her body. Maybe the man AND woman are looking to find a reason for their sex life mishap by taking any reason. If the doctor has done this on 3 occasions, maybe he doesn't think it is a big deal or he looks at it like another procedure. Some doctors use a dot, but he uses UK...not a big difference, especially since it was taken out...I really think this is just another money grubber looking for a handout and an excuse....they might not have a sex life, but at least they'll have money!

01-27-2003, 04:51 AM
I also HATE UK!

YOUR breakin my heart!! lol