View Full Version : Computer help needed

01-13-2003, 05:37 PM
Okay I have a few questions, we joined www.mp3.com , www.emusic.com and mp3 download center.
How do I download music and dvd's?? Our computer has a dvd/r
I want to burn the band Godsmack onto cd and can't figure out what to do??
I wanna site that has good music, the ones we signed up to have old and bad music nothing up to date.
My husband downloaded Kazaa but it sucked my memory and gave me over 100 spyware..
I erased it from my computer I have the link to Kazaa Lite but don't know what to click, I like Itunes but I don't have an Apple or run Mac on my computer only Windows xp..
Please help us I wanna burn the Klumps and some music but I don't know how, help!! Where do I start?? Where do I go??
I'm a beginner and don't know point a to point b...
I know nothing!!!!

01-13-2003, 05:45 PM
i know this isn't answering ya, but i like www.winmx.com

01-13-2003, 05:49 PM
I use Kazaa, but I also use adware to keep from getting spyware.

01-13-2003, 05:50 PM
But how do I burn cd's and dvd's??
I don't get it!

01-13-2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Nikkole
But how do I burn cd's and dvd's??
I don't get it!

you use you're software that came with yo're cd burner to burn cds
with dvd's you either use a dvd burner, or convert the file to a vcd and most newer dvd players will recognize the file.

01-13-2003, 06:01 PM
We bought a Gateway the dvd/r is built into the tower, So if I download Kazzaa I could look for the song I want and download it is it that easy?
Also the same with the dvd downloads?

01-13-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by Nikkole
We bought a Gateway the dvd/r is built into the tower, So if I download Kazzaa I could look for the song I want and download it is it that easy?
Also the same with the dvd downloads?

yep you pick what kind of file you are looking for then type a title or artist

01-13-2003, 06:26 PM
Lasher could you help pick out what kazaa light I want to go with?
I don't understand all that mumbo jumbo! There are like 8 links what one doI pick?

Also is it free to do burn music and dvd's?
We already paid for three sites one is Napsters replacement and they all suck how do I find the music and dvd's I wanna download?
I have never done this it's all new to me..
I'm so confused!!

01-13-2003, 10:52 PM
just bumping hoping Lasher will see

01-13-2003, 11:18 PM
I think I would go with the winmx site. It is easy to use and there is no spyware. They have chat rooms where I know they swap movies and such (but I would take my cussing doesn't bug me pill before you go in :eek: :eek: ) lol I have only 2 songs that I have been unable to find(Feel to be Free by Nina Simone and I don't remember the other one) and I have a wide range of music I like to listen to(from Johnny Horten to Eminem:D :D :D ) I only have a cd burner and haven't had a chance to help Mom figure out her dvd burner yet but good luck .