View Full Version : Only the mom could understand how I feel..........

01-08-2003, 09:02 AM
ooooo doncha LOVE it?????

01-08-2003, 09:03 AM
Isn't it great??? :)

01-08-2003, 09:07 AM

01-08-2003, 09:16 AM
wtg i remember those days so proud of my little guy


01-08-2003, 09:18 AM
Ok, what's the secret...My 3 year old is still not potty trained:( He will go pee pee sometimes but not all the time and never poop in the potty...I am still buying pull ups with no end in sight:(

Tell your boy I am proud of him...That is a big accomplishment:)

01-08-2003, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by angelinwaiting
Ok, what's the secret...My 3 year old is still not potty trained:( He will go pee pee sometimes but not all the time and never poop in the potty...I am still buying pull ups with no end in sight:(

Tell your boy I am proud of him...That is a big accomplishment:)

Dont give up ;) my oldest son just up and decided one day he was gonna do it all alone no matter how much i tried and tried once he figured it out he said "cool" momma look what i can do :D

01-08-2003, 09:48 AM
Congrats!! This is such a great hurdle to cross! It's amazing, it seems like you can beg, bribe and talk until you are blue in the face, but until they are ready, I found nothing works. With mine, it always semmed like they woke up one morning and just decided that it was the day they would start. I just let my youngest do it when he was ready cuz IMHO they won't do it until they decide it is time.

Congrats that he has decided it was his time!!!;)

01-08-2003, 09:53 AM
With my daughter she thought of the pull ups as diapers and refused to try to go in the potty. What worked was when we were out she wanted a pack of clifford underwear so I bought them and let her wear them and she would use the potty because she didn't want to off her clifford undies. She loves to get new underwear she has more than enough but thats the incentive except when she wants to show them off!!

01-08-2003, 10:25 AM
Ok, what's the secret...My 3 year old is still not potty trained He will go pee pee sometimes but not all the time and never poop in the potty...I am still buying pull ups with no end in sight

angelinwaiting- I was going to say about the same think is jennls. I tried to potty train Kali for months in pull-ups to no avail. One day I just decided NO MORE PULL-UPS and started to use regular training pants and reg. panties. Of course there were a few accidents and had to take extra clothes whenever we went out but she was trained in no time after that, before she was 3. Don't know if this will work for you child but it did for mine and for my 2 oldest because they NEVER wore pull-ups and were trained around 2. Seems like the pull-ups just slow them down. Good Luck.
FishmansBetrHalf- I'm glad for you that your son is doing so well. Tell him that all of your computer friends said WAY TO GO BIG BOY!!!!

01-08-2003, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by FishmansBetrHalf
My three yr old son is FINALLY going potty by himself....

without being reminded to go....

without being asked if he has to go....

without me having to hold his hand and go with him because he is scared to go alone....

without being BRIBED to go....


And he hasn't had an *accident* in 7 days now.......

This MOM is happy!!!!!!!! :)


CONGRATS!!!!!! I'm waiting for mine to not need them at night and we're set as well. It's a red letter day for ya !!!!!

01-08-2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by angelinwaiting
Ok, what's the secret...My 3 year old is still not potty trained:( He will go pee pee sometimes but not all the time and never poop in the potty...I am still buying pull ups with no end in sight:(

Tell your boy I am proud of him...That is a big accomplishment:)

MIne finally , finally did the poop inthe potty thing. He has done it twice now so it's still new lol. We kept talking at him, gave up and tried again and then just a small nudge from hubby the other day and the kid did it. WE all clapped, even the big kids. lololol

yours will too!! by the way, mines 3 and 1/2 if that makes ya feel any better. ;)

01-08-2003, 12:42 PM
Thanks for giving me hope, FismansBetrHalf!! My dot turned 3 on Saturday and she's still in diapers!! If she's naked from the waist down, she has no problems going to the potty, but ANYTHING else, she thinks its a diaper and she goes. I'm gonna check out Dr. Phil's site and see what he has.

01-08-2003, 01:00 PM
I'm SO jealous! My 3 yr old is still in pullups! I'm heading to Dr Phil's site now! Congrats and can't wait til I can brag too!!!!!

I read it and it seems easy enough. Hope it works! Did anyone see the lady who is breastfeeding her 5 and 7 yr old? Wow! Hope I don't get slammed, but that seems kinda old, I think!

01-08-2003, 01:43 PM
WOO-HOO!!!! my son turned 3 in November, and has no interest at all. I don't even think he understands the concept yet. He's not even in pull ups, still diapers - until he understands the concept, and that it is something he si supposed to do too (not just something mommy & daddy do in there), I may as well not spend the extra money on pull ups. He just doesn't even get it at all!!!

OK, sorry to go on about it! LOL! Good for you & your boy!! Congrats!

01-08-2003, 02:00 PM
that is so great for you Fishermen!
The fact that he is excited and happy to go is the best.
My nephew thought of it like a chore. He would hold it in all day long. Maybe at night he would go cause it had to get out, then he did it all in the diaper at night. soak through. He did it for months. Then they stopped and made it exciting and fun and natural and in a week they were successful.

CONGRATS to your son this is a big accomplishment.

01-08-2003, 03:21 PM

My 3 year old had the same problem with diapers & pull ups. Now that I use the "big girl" underwear, it is a LOT better! We too did the "Happy Song & Dance" & lots of positive re-inforcement! Once in a while she still has accidents, but usually they happen when she is playing & doesn't want to stop! I only use the pull ups at night because she is such a sound sleeper, she doesn't wake up to go!!
I guess that part will come in time. When she starts waking up totally dry for more than 90%, I will try the big girl undies at night too.

Now if only she could learn to wipe her bum with out smearing it everywhere. I know she has too learn how to do it on her own. (Not to mention I will be enrolling her in preschool come fall & I don't know how much they are allowed to "help" a child!) But right now I still prefer to hear the good old "MOOOOMMMM I'm done!!!! Please come wipe my buuummmm" & know she will be clean! LOL.

01-08-2003, 07:32 PM
But right now I still prefer to hear the good old "MOOOOMMMM I'm done!!!! Please come wipe my buuummmm" & know she will be clean! LOL.
YEP me too because if they don't get it clean they will only get sore and then they'll be in alot of pain. Kali is prone to getting a sore bottom so I have to make sure that I get her cleaned up when she is done.

01-08-2003, 07:35 PM
CONGRATS!! Good job MOM! my first son was potty trained by the age of 2! I didn't do anything to force him, he just saw me and his father use the bathroom and wanted to go too, and TAH DAH! potty trained, my youngest was just as easy but didn't get it until he was 3 1/2 but big brother helped him out! GOOD JOB!!

01-09-2003, 08:37 PM
My 3 yr old went poop in the potty tonight!! YEAH!! I had eased up on the potty training for a few weeks, and a friend of mine watched him for me for 2 hours tonite. When I picked him up, she said he peed in the big potty (with help,of course) Before we left she took him up to the bathroom and he did it again! At home, I took him up, but he wouldn't pee. We sat there and were goofing around, when all the sudden, he got big eyed and looked behind him in the water and said, "Momma, I dropped my poop!" Keep your fingers crossed for me that we are on the road to NO PULLUPS!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of my boy!!