View Full Version : Help -- Bead up the nose ...

Jolie Rouge
01-01-2003, 07:32 PM
Okay, I have just spent the last six hours at the ER because my five-year-old was told that if she stuck these "Magic Beads" up her nose she would turn into a unicorn.

Now they are stuck there.

The we couldn't get it out - the ER Dr. couldn't get it out - they want us to go see an ENT to put her under a general and have it surgically removed tomorrow morning.

Does anyone have any suggestions ?

01-01-2003, 07:34 PM
Nope. If the ER doc cant do it, the ENT may be your only choice.

Dont you LOVE kids?;)

01-01-2003, 07:38 PM
How about making her sneeze with her mouth shut. Maybe breathing in some pepper, but make sure to firmly close her mouth so she sneezes through her nose.

Good luck.

01-01-2003, 07:50 PM
You have to be careful not to probe around in her nostril so that the bead(s) -- I'm so sorry Jolie, but I'm laughing so hard here, give me a second.

Okay, AFTER I get through this, I'll tell you about the time I shoved SweetTarts up my sister's nose. (and it was worth every SECOND of trouble I got in)

Don't use Q-tips etc. You don't want to lodge it any deeper or push it into her sinus cavity. Try some Vaseline. Do you have any saline solution you can wash her nostril out with? Sea salt & warm water & a little baking soda will work, with an eye dropper. Try to aim for her ear when you do it. Some will run down into her mouth most likely, so do it over a sink or bowl in case she gags from the salt water. I assume you already tried holding the clear nostril shut and having her blow hard out her nose, right? DO NOT do anything to cause her to breath in deeply through her nose, even though it could dislodge into her throat, THAT in itself could present a bigger problem!

There is ONE possible cure...

Did you try hanging her upside down in a doorway and placing the beads in a circle on the floor beneath her head to invoke the magic unicorn fairy? ;) Works best if Mark blows bubbles at her tummy while you sprinkle grape Koolaid powder on her bare feet. :D

I'm SO sorry, this just so reminds me of the SweetTart incident that I ccan't hold it together here. Back in a few. :D :D :D

01-01-2003, 07:53 PM
I take it the hospital didn't have an ENT or a pediatriatric ENT on staff or on call? I suppose it's not urgent care then if they told you to wait until the morning to call/see an ENT. I really think hanging her by her ankles for the night might help...

01-01-2003, 07:59 PM
Had a little guy here at the daycare that shoved a pretzel up his nostril during lunch. Hehe, that was pretty funny too actually. Those regular-sized pretzel twists, I reckon it was a piece about 1/2" long. They were all eating, talking, (had been horsing around a few minutes before with the pretzels) and all a sudden Luke says, "I gotta pretzel in my nose." Sure enough, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up there I can see the end of a bit of pretzel. I tried tweezers, he's bawling, the other kids are thinking this is the coolest thing they've ever seen. Finally I call his mom. She's a secretary at the Catholic grade school in town. By this time, Luke & I were both laughing. Bev was at lunch, so I left a message saying it wasn't an emergency but I needed her to call me because Luke has a preztel stuck in his nose. Bev calls back, hysterical, because someone wrote "Luke has a pencil stuck up his nose." I wasn't real concerned because I knew the pretzel would (and was) getting mushy and soggy and would eventually dissolve and snot out, and his breathing wasn't obstructed at all. But dang, it was pretty hilarious. Poor kid wouldn't eat pretzels again for the life of him! He's in kindergarten now and I'm still not sure he eats them!

01-01-2003, 08:02 PM
Jolie, seriously, if they were concerned it was an urgent health issue, they wouldn't have sent you home.

((( )))

Wanna hear the SweetTart & grape snot story now? :D

Jolie Rouge
01-01-2003, 08:03 PM
Jaybird - Mark is willing to try anything !

We tried pulling it out with a nasal asperator; we tried plucking it out with tweezers; we tried using a straw and the vaccum cleaner ....

He is bending his "engineering" mind to creating some method of bead removal technology...

I really do not like them putting her to sleep for something this minor.

Jolie Rouge
01-01-2003, 08:05 PM
Wanna hear the SweetTart & grape snot story now?

tell - tell ...

01-01-2003, 08:09 PM
Exactly. I'm more concerned about the general than the bead. Wonder how long she can just KEEP the bead up there? :rolleyes: I'm sure the general is just to keep her still while they work on removing the bead, it won't hurt, but they need Meg to stay perfectly still.

How big a bead is it, one of those 1/4" craft type beads with the hole through it? Can you see it/touch the end of it? I just don't see how you can get anything up her nose to loop around it to pull it back out.

Hmmm, wonder if they're biodegradable like pretzels and SweetTarts? Terri's SweetTarts just dissolved into purple snot eventually. No wait, I distinctly remember Mom whacking her hard square on the back of her head and the SweetTarts shot out of her nose in this stream of purple snot all the way across the room...

...I got in a heapochit for that stunt...worth it too! ;)

01-01-2003, 08:11 PM
Jolie, can you 'feel' the bead on the outside of her nostril? Could you possibly manuever it out from the outside of her nose by gently working it down?

01-01-2003, 08:11 PM
oh my that is so sad!

my dot put cheerios in her nose and I had to use pepper to make her sneeze it out. she put paper up there dozens of times again used pepper and massage and sneezing. finally she stuffed a Barbic plastic toy very small up there. I didn't know for 8 hrs, the entire day she was blowing and inching she refused to tell me she did it. I couldn't believe it when it came out.


Jolie Rouge
01-01-2003, 08:22 PM
Exactly. I'm more concerned about the general than the bead. Wonder how long she can just KEEP the bead up there? I'm sure the general is just to keep her still while they work on removing the bead, it won't hurt, but they need Meg to stay perfectly still.

The danger is infection and the possiablity of her drawing it up into her sinus cavity.

How big a bead is it, one of those 1/4" craft type beads with the hole through it?

Can you see it/touch the end of it? I just don't see how you can get anything up her nose to loop around it to pull it back out.

It is a little smaller than that - she can breathe around it right now. Mark had it grasped with the tweezers twice but she jerked her head back & he lost the grip. You can tilt her head back & see it - but she has a little flap of skin inside her nose that is keeping it from coming forward.

01-01-2003, 08:22 PM
Wonder how long she can just KEEP the bead up there?

True story. My nephew had a plastic lego piece up his nose for 2 years! The way my sis found out was that for the longest time he has REEEEAAAALLLLY bad breath (he was only 6). She thought it was just chronic bad breath. Till finally she was like this is rediculous and took him to the Dr. and they found it WAYYYY up in there. I won't enlighten y'all with what the lego looked like after it came out, but needless to say it was gross!!:rolleyes: :eek:

01-01-2003, 08:23 PM
Tiny Tarts. I was corrected by my sister when I sent her this link. They were the small SweetTarts, about pencil eraser size. ((the big ones would have worked too though...))

01-01-2003, 08:29 PM
It was not a sweettart, it was a tart'n'tiny and mom didn't slap me on the back to get it out.....Dad made me snort it out my nose. Geez, at least get the story right, sis!!!!!!!!!

01-01-2003, 08:29 PM
Jolie, maybe after Meg falls asleep Mark can get it out? She'll be more relaxed. It's just a reflex thing, no matter how much she knows she needs to stay still, it's an involuntary reflex.

((I don't like the visual of that Lego!!)) :eek:

01-01-2003, 08:30 PM

01-01-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by terrilynn
It was not a sweettart, it was a tart'n'tiny and mom didn't slap me on the back to get it out.....Dad made me snort it out my nose. Geez, at least get the story right, sis!!!!!!!!!
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


ROFLMSAO! Meet my sister Terri!


Either way, she deserved it. She had fair warning. And these are the facts:

DAD wasn't home, was during the summer, during the day. Paulette was over, she & I were playing Barbie in the living room, my sister was being a brat (the way 6 year younger sisters do). :rolleyes: I warned her several times to leave us alone. After the alleged attack, she was screaming, crying, holding one nostril shut and snorting out the other. Purple snot was running out her nose. I remember it perfectly because it is one of my great childhood memories!! In fact, Dad was out of town, didn't come home for a couple days and he had a hard time keeping a straight face when he heard about it.

So there you have it and there you are!

((I can't believe you registered just to retaliate on the SWEETTART story!))

((((( )))))

01-01-2003, 08:35 PM

not when we were 6 but there were many times I wanted to hit my sister lol

GO janel go lol

01-01-2003, 08:37 PM
You are Soooooooooooo wrong. It was a weekend and Dad was home and you are darn tootin I registered because of the Tart'n'Tiny story. If you are gonna tell tales on your little sis, at least get them RIGHT!!!!!!

01-01-2003, 08:37 PM

01-01-2003, 08:38 PM
hahahahahahaha. omg I needed a laugh

Jolie Rouge
01-01-2003, 08:39 PM
ahhhh .... sisterly love ;)

01-01-2003, 08:40 PM
Say good night, sis.....gotta get up early and beat this approaching snowstorm. No more telling tales on me when I can't defend myself.

Maybe I should tell the TV story.....changing channels on me...HAH! What your friends don't know is how many good stories I have on you!!!!!!

Night, big sis!!!!!!!

01-01-2003, 08:41 PM
yes i heard 6-10" of snow here :) woo baby :) I can't wait bring it on :)

night janel's sis ;)

Jolie Rouge
01-01-2003, 08:41 PM
gotta go -- I am at the IL's and it is time to go home May or may not sign in later depending on the "bead" situation ;)

01-01-2003, 08:42 PM
aww {{{{{{{Jolie}}}}}}

01-01-2003, 08:43 PM
Night Terri, it's already started - not really rain, but not sleet.

And I DIDN'T snitch on you when you BIT the chit out of my leg. (she was like 5 years old) I covered your sorry *ss! :D

01-01-2003, 08:43 PM
Good night, all and Happy New Year. Watch out for that Big Bad BS'r!!!!!

01-01-2003, 08:44 PM
<-<-<--- smiles innocently. :)

Keep us posted Jolie!
((((( )))))

01-01-2003, 08:52 PM
I'm sorry I know this is serious but this thread is the best laugh I've had all day!:D

My dad had a bean stuck up his nose for years and didn't know it, he stuck it up there when he was a kid and it never came out:eek: many years later it moved or something and started causing him sinus problems and they discovered it with an x-ray, and removed it, I don't know what it looked like, but ewwwwwwww!

My dot stuck a bead in her ear when she was 4, she didn't tell us, but she kept picking at her ear, when I finaly looked in her ear I could see it, but we couldn't get it out, the dr. squirted a syringe full of water in her ear and it came right out. We figured she probably had it in there for about a week before we discovered it.:rolleyes:

Good luck Jolie, I hope everything comes out okay!!!!

***edit*** it wasn't a bean, it was a rock, my sister stuck a bean up her nose, I got the stories cofused:rolleyes:

01-01-2003, 08:56 PM
Good luck Jolie, I hope everything comes out okay!!!!

:eek: :eek: :D

01-01-2003, 09:18 PM
Good luck Jolie-I will keep you all in my prayers
This thread gave me a much needed laugh, blew pop through my nose, but I will live.
My daughter had a playdough set, the kind that you could make shapes with. She decided that since she didn't eat her peas, she would shove the playdough peas she made, up her nose (why always their noses?), then she got the dog and decided that he needed "peas" too. Needless to say, I had to drop the dog off at the vet ER, then go to the ER with her, two of them had lodged themselves in her sinus cavity, they had to put her out to keep her still so that they could get them-6 of them!! The dog too, he had 4, so I had a groggy kid, and a way groggy dog..and nurses probably still laughing. The vet didn't even charge me-she said she never saw nothing like this is her life.

01-01-2003, 09:41 PM
(((Jolie))) Good luck with the little one.
Jaybird, as always you've made me laugh. I was already chuckling, but whenever I read YOUR thread I nearly wet my pants :) Your way to funny :) Irma Bombeck's got nothing on you girl :)
I recall a very good friend of mine telling me about her Daughter. She was just a baby in the crib when my friend heard her choking. She went in the room and had the fright of her life for awhile. Anyway, a couple days later she noticed a small button missing from her pajama's, she never gave it another thought. The years passed and her Dot had to have her tonsils and adnoids out. There was the button. It actually grew right into the adnoids. Her daughter still has that button, and she is now 32 years old :)

01-01-2003, 11:00 PM
hold one nostril closed and tell her to blow real hard-maybe that will push it out-other than that-good luck

the fugative
01-01-2003, 11:02 PM

A Bead (Shakes Head)

JayBird there's now two of Ya :eek:

~Angel Eyez~
01-01-2003, 11:41 PM
((hugs)) Hope everythings comes out ok

01-01-2003, 11:51 PM
I'm probably a little late on this but, I have some friends who's dot put a steelie(ball bearing)up her nose. They held her upside down and blew in her mouth and the steelie popped out. It may work for a bead too.

01-02-2003, 03:13 AM
A while ago we had a little boy come in to the Dr office with a bead up his nose.. The family had done everything they could think of. Been working on this problem for hours.. Well it took the Dr about a total of 5 minutes to get the bead out of the little boys nose.. He use a clean pencil he trimmed the eraser end, so it would fit better, THEN he added a SMALL drop of super glue to the eraser with a very good light so he could see what he was doing, The Dr touched the end of the pencil that had the super glue on it to the bead, waited a minute and then gently pulled... since the bead was now stuck to the super glue it came right out.. The family was so HAPPY to get this thing out not to mention the little boy.. I felt bad because they had to pay 125.00 since the little boy was new patient.. But they didn't care... I couldn't believe the Dr had it out so quick.. Guess that is why he makes the big bucks.. Been to super glue school.. lol Good luck and please if you try this make sure you dont touch the inside of your childs nose with the super glue.. Or maybe you could just go to another Dr and tell him about this little boy and let him give it try.

Good luck

01-02-2003, 05:31 AM
I know how scary this can be! Not more than three weeks ago my son got a short screw stuck up his. It was so far up that the dr looked in his throat to make sure it wasn't sticking down into the back of his throat (which it wasn't because it was a short crew, not a long one). They thought they were gonna have to do surgrey but they did finally get it out.

I wish luck to you!


01-02-2003, 07:23 AM
omg jolie i hope shes ok, and gets it out, but im lmao, so hard, especially at you bird!!!

JayBird there's now two of Ya
roflmao, this outta be fun huh? :D :D

{{{{{{{{jolie and dot}}}}}}}

01-02-2003, 07:37 AM
roflmao!!! isnt it funny is all you have to do is smack them in the back of the head, lol, i guess i was a good kid, cause i dont ever remember doing this kinda stuff, what happened? lol i guess i need to ask my mom

01-02-2003, 07:52 AM
Did you get it out yet?

01-02-2003, 09:12 AM
any updates has it come out yet?

I really wonder if the super glue would work? Wouldn't stick to the inside of the nostril? But at some point I think you would do anything to get it out.

Hope your little isn't in any pain.


01-02-2003, 09:19 AM
jolie I hope she is OK.

And those of you talking about berries & tart n tinys up the nose.......

Let's just say I can say from exp[erience NOTHING burns like a cinnamon dynamint (like a tic tac) up the nose.

Yeah, dissolves and probably not as dangerous as something like a screw but it was CINNAMON.

01-02-2003, 09:25 AM
I stuck a blue crayon up my nose mom panicked took me to the hospital there was nothing they could do but have my mom wait till I sneezed and it did come out like a torpedo.

01-02-2003, 09:57 AM
UGH!! 2 years ago, my 3 year old was eating peanuts and for whatever reason, he decided to stuff one up his nose. You could see it, but it was the size of his nostril, so the more I probed, the higher it got. I started freaking out. Well, we did the ER and the doctor held his hands tightly over my son's ears and had me make a tight seal with my mouth over my son's mouth. Then he had me blow really hard into my son's mouth and Lo and Behold, the peanut blew out.
Yes, it was nasty, but it was over. This sounds so weird, but believe me, it is true! Good luck, I hope she is "Bead-free" soon.;)

01-02-2003, 10:10 AM
Hope she is ok!

01-02-2003, 10:23 AM
Just checking for an update...hope she is alright and they didn't have to end up putting her to sleep.

When I was about 5 I shoved a french fry all the way up my nose and had to go to the ER and have it pulled out...YUCK.

01-02-2003, 11:45 AM
bump jolie let us know honey!

01-02-2003, 03:52 PM
Any news yet Jolie?

Jolie Rouge
01-02-2003, 04:31 PM
It's OUT !

The Magic Bead was successfully removed with out surgery !

The ENT was a Pediactric ENT with all the right equipment & attitude. She ended up being wrapped in a "Papose Board" to immobilize her and it still took three nurses plus myself to hold her down. After that - it only took him a minute or less to pull it out. He also checked for abrasions and any signs of infection setting up - all clear.

They gave it to her in a little plastic "treasure chest" and a certificate to sign stating that "I, XX, will never stick anything smaller than a football in my ears, nose, or mouth" - suitable for her scrapbook.


We did attempt the super glue idea - but she was so wiggly and hysterical that Hubby wasn't going to get it down to where the bead was without hitting the inside of her nostril ... then we'd have to have *that* removed too ! :rolleyes:

dream walker 2
01-02-2003, 05:00 PM
I have a question?? What gives the kids ideas to stick things up their noses?? Thank goodness mine never did that, that I know of. But my cousin (had down Syndrome) Or how ever you spell that. She stuck a ballon up her nose, deflated of course, and it rotted, thats how they found it. The bad odor from her. It had been there a long time. Gross.. My nephew swallowed a pencil, yes a pencil, it was sharpened down though to about 2 or 3 inches. He had it in his mouth and another kid whacked him on the back, he sucked in his breath and there went the pencil. I had to take him to the doc. they didn't do anything. It didn't stick in his throat, said stomach acid would get rid of it. He was afraid he would have to POOP it out. LOL

Another neice of mine put a Japanese Beetle in her brothers ear, that thing dug it way so far down that he had to have surgery to get it out. He said he could hear it in his ear. Had to wait 2 days before they could get an appointment to get the d@mn thing out. My little granddaughter use to put pencils, straws, paper in the crack of her butt, not up it LOL just wedged in the crack and come walking in the room for us all to see. She thought is was funny. she was only 1 1/2 yrs old.

01-02-2003, 08:52 PM
Kinda makes me glad the only thing I've ever seen my daughter stick up her nose is her finger. LOL And I thought that was bad enough.

01-02-2003, 08:56 PM
Gumball, I just had a flash of you as a kid with a gumball up your nostril, thus the nickname. :D

01-02-2003, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by jaybird
Gumball, I just had a flash of you as a kid with a gumball up your nostril, thus the nickname. :D

Sorry, but no. The Gumball comes from my collection of gum machines. :D My parents never let me have gum until long after I was in school. ;)

01-02-2003, 10:52 PM
I'm glad it came out without surgery!:)

01-02-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by SuperMellie
I'm glad it came out without surgery!:)

a huge resounding DITTO right there :)

01-02-2003, 10:59 PM
ITs out...... YEAH.. I wasnt sure just how far the bead was up her nose..The little boy that also had the bead, You couldnt even see it unless you layed his head back and looked way up in there.. So wasn't sure if the super glue thing would work for you guys.. I am just glad its out..

and yea well would have hated it if you also had to have the pencil removed.. But hey looking more like a Unicorn.. lol

Glad everything is better

01-02-2003, 11:11 PM
So glad it worked out so good

Jolie Rouge
01-11-2003, 12:40 PM
Jaybird :
There is ONE possible cure...

Did you try hanging her upside down in a doorway and placing the beads in a circle on the floor beneath her head to invoke the magic unicorn fairy? Works best if Mark blows bubbles at her tummy while you sprinkle grape Koolaid powder on her bare feet.

This STILL cracks me up !

01-11-2003, 06:23 PM
Glad she didn't have to have surgery. When Kali goes to the dentist they have to strap her down into one of those papoose things too. She hates it, getting her teeth worked on don't bother her it's the being strapped down for all of 5 minutes that makes her scream bloody murder.

01-11-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Ravenlost
My kids have never had any fears about going to the dentist.

Unlike their mudder...


01-11-2003, 09:25 PM
Sort of like husbands chelle, can't do anything with 'em. ;)

01-11-2003, 09:26 PM
Hey blackbird, I'm going to the dentist in 2003, are you? ;) And I'm going to break down and see a specialist about my wrist(s)

01-11-2003, 09:29 PM
Your kids or husband? :D

I have to keep my husband around.

1) I've spent too many years training him
2) I'm doing the female portion of the world a huge service
3) His mama doesn't want him back
4) He'd be virtually helpless on his own

Jolie Rouge
01-11-2003, 10:31 PM
Hey Raven I see you found the Discworld series ...

Whatcha' think ?