View Full Version : Poll: Who still does not have a Christmas tree yet

12-15-2002, 09:52 AM
we don't.. hubby was laid off.. just got a new job a few weeks ago.. but won't get his first check till the 16th.. and its only a partial one.. and the only one before Christmas..lol.. sooo.. not sure what were gonna get.. we may have to find one of those tiny ones that sit on the counter.. cause there is no way i'm spending $30 from a $130 check just for a tree....

12-15-2002, 09:52 AM
I don't lol
I went looking yesterday and the prices are ridiculous.
They had trees that came up to my knees (i'm 5'1) and
were wanting $24 for them. Hubby is going to go and try
and find one in the woods for free, lol

12-15-2002, 09:53 AM
Awww, I see you had a baby born right after isabel :)
We have a tree. artificial of COURSE ;)

12-15-2002, 12:03 PM
I dont ... I THINK we're going to go today .. i've been putting it off, i've got a 3yr old and then an 11 month old and i know they're going to destroy it within the first few hours...lol

12-15-2002, 12:14 PM
We don't do trees. 3 cats + tall bushy thing with shiney lights and tinsel= lots of trouble!!!

12-15-2002, 01:49 PM
I just put up my tree last nite! yeaterday I went to set it up and my tree had dissappered No Idea what happened to it anyway I rushed out of hear to find a tree and found one for $15 its a 6 foot white one and it looks beautiful in my living room. With a five year old and a two year old I couldn't go without a tree

12-15-2002, 01:52 PM
Nope, not yet, and probably won't. Everything all fell over under the stairs, so I have to clean that up, to get everything out, only to put it all back away in a couple of weeks. AND nobody wants to help me with it.

12-15-2002, 02:13 PM
I don't...I'm not in a tree putting up mood :( :( ***Sigh***

I do have the inside decorated though

Jolie Rouge
12-15-2002, 02:41 PM
no tree -

actually I have an artifical one that was given to me back when I had my first apartment... my friends had come over and I had a tiny three limb Ficus with three stands of tinsel and one ball ornament for my Christmas tree. So for my birthday (which is in Febuary ...) my friends had bought me a huge fancey six foot Christmas tree - so I would never be "tree-less" again. I have had that tree up every year for over twenty years and I think of them fondly.

However - it may stay upstairs this year in protest. My children are refusing to do their chores or do anything around the house that is remotely helpfull (like pick up their toys in the den) - so if they don't want to help to do the prep work, we won't have a tree this year...

12-15-2002, 08:09 PM
We don't have much room for one in our apartment, plus it's an added expense we really don't need. And with two playful kitties, putting one up would just be courting disaster!

I did put some tiny ornaments on our largest potted plant (it is some kind of pine, about a foot and a half high). Hubby laughed at me. The cats are intrigued ("ooh- pretty shiny things!") but so far haven't knocked any off.

12-15-2002, 09:28 PM
There are places that might give away real trees just before Christmas. Several grocery stores here sell trees and if they have any left over a few days before Christmas, they put up the sign that they are free. They don't want to have to pay to have them hauled away so they give them away. :)

12-15-2002, 11:08 PM
no tree yet.

we sort of told my dot a few years ago when money was tight that Santa brought the tree. She is thinking the same for this year already.

Because in the past 6 years by Dec. 24 my mom would feel so sorry for us she would buy us a tree or we got a free tree from somewhere.

I can't stand idea spending 20-40 for a tree to sit in the house for a few days.