View Full Version : where do you hide your gifts?

12-08-2002, 12:07 PM
I was just wondering the creative places you've hidden gifts? I lock all ours out in our travel trailer. I wrap out there too, and then just bring them in Christmas Eve.

12-08-2002, 12:09 PM
Right now in the closet of our guest room. We have someone renting it and the girls are not allowed in there so it works out ideally.

12-08-2002, 12:10 PM
I hid my kids' bikes in my bathtub until I could make room in my closet for them. LOL

I usually hide everything in my closet though.

12-08-2002, 12:13 PM
they are under the tree-lmbo
hes only 8 but he doesnt pay it any attention.
they are in the back and they Are the ones with no tag on them:)
this is probably the last year i can get away with it.

12-08-2002, 12:26 PM
I don't have to hide the gifts right now,my son is too young too even care.I'm not putting them under the tree until Christmas Eve though because he would unwrap them as soon as he seen them.And this i am sure of because last year we went to the hubby's parents house and he unwraped one of the gifts.Just happened to be his tricycle.

12-08-2002, 12:29 PM
All of ours are in our bedroom. My son, whos 2, will sneek back there, and get all excited. I dont think I can put them under the tree because I know that he will open them.

12-08-2002, 12:39 PM
All of the kids' are in my bedroom closet, I let them wrap the other family members presents and put them under the tree. :)

12-08-2002, 01:07 PM
HA HA HA I'm not EVEN gonna say.... my kids like to read over my shoulder... LOL PLUS!!!>>>> My dot is a member here now and she knows my screen name... LOL

12-08-2002, 01:17 PM
Mine are in my file cabinet. BF wouldn't think of looking there!

12-08-2002, 03:37 PM
i hide my kids in our extra bedroon but i put my husbands t my friends house because he is VERY NOSY

12-08-2002, 03:45 PM
Mine are scattered around to wherever I find room. :) Garage, my mother's closet, my closet, den closet. My daughter hasn't caught on yet that stuff is hidden from her so it's still fairly easy. :D

12-08-2002, 03:56 PM
Well I just have to hide them from myself, so I have my DF take them to work with him and leave them there. Otherwise everyone would have theirs already and I wouldn't have anything to give on xmas. :rolleyes: ;)

12-08-2002, 05:14 PM


12-08-2002, 05:34 PM
When the kids were little, I used to put someone elses name on their gifts - my code of course. Now they are all grown and gone. So for hubby, I hide them in the back of the tree and quickly stuff packages in front. He never even notices:)

12-08-2002, 06:46 PM
Lets see, I hide them in a couple of places!! In the attic, in my closet (under a pile of clothes), behind my bed, in the linen cabinet. I have so many places, I have a list(hidden) that has everything on it and where it is!! LOL!! Trying to figure where to hide son's bike tomorrow!!

12-08-2002, 06:56 PM
Some are hidden in my closet, some are under the tree, and the oldest ones bike is going next door in our old house since we are using it for storage right now:D

12-08-2002, 08:40 PM
In our bedroom closet, in a coat closet on our back porch, the basement wherever I don't think they'll find them. When we lived in our old mobile home I hid them over the furnace because it didn't work and nobody ever thought to look in there.

12-08-2002, 10:31 PM
I did have mine in our storage room, but had to get them out otherwise they would get "lost" so now they are in my walk in closet under the clothes on the left side rack!

12-08-2002, 10:36 PM
I hide mine at Wal Mart layaway until the very last day that they will let me and then I take them to a neighbors house that doesn't have children it works out great for me LOL

12-08-2002, 10:49 PM
I know where I hid my stuff, but now that I think of it, I'm not sure where my mother hid the stuff she bought my daughter?? :confused:

12-08-2002, 11:19 PM
None of my presents are hid. they're all wrapped & in the living room (undre the tree or mike's is just standing there) or in the puter room... :) Isabel doesn't mind HER presents are the ones under the tree LOL :)

12-08-2002, 11:30 PM
Somethings are in the diningroom in taped up boxes (they wouldnt dare take that box tape off :D. Some gifts are in my closet, some in the storage room out back, some under the tree, some under the couches, some in the top of my son's closet. He doesnt even notice :p and some are in the trunk of my car which I am the only who has a key to that and the storage room :D. There is one box under the end table in the den but so far nooone has even noticed it ;). There is one item in one of the kitchen cabinets behind the pots and pans. I just loooooooove christmas time :D

12-09-2002, 12:10 AM
Mostly in the runk of my car.....

Kyla Kym
12-09-2002, 01:42 AM
I put what I can in priority long boxes. And seal them shut. No way are they going to peek inside without me knowing it. Have you ever tried to just pull the flap back open on one of them things? Around here priority boxes go unnoticed, they think it's just more of my ebay junk. ;) I also use the freezer, attic, and well house. :)

12-09-2002, 06:38 AM
In my locked closet in our room.I also have my friend's kids stuff here to.Her kids always find their gifts at her house.but this year she's gonna surprise them.

12-09-2002, 06:49 AM
In my closet nobody is allowed in our room because of our snakes we have a 15 foot burmese and my Boa Gal.
So our bedroom door is deadbolted at all times except when me and my husband are in there..

12-09-2002, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Nikkole
In my closet nobody is allowed in our room because of our snakes we have a 15 foot burmese and my Boa Gal.
So our bedroom door is deadbolted at all times except when me and my husband are in there..

You can bet if you hid my gift in your room you wouldnt have to worry about deadbolting the door because I'd never go near that room :p skeeeeeeeery

12-09-2002, 03:20 PM
trunk of the car, at my office, friend's house.......

currently we are storing a friend's boat in our garage. Im hiding a lot in there this year.

ive got a friend whose house is so cluttered she doesn't hide at all, and her kids never notice.

the last time she hid, she didn't find them until 2 christmases later. by that time, her girls had outgorwn most everything so mine had a REALLY nice christmas!

12-09-2002, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by wingsfan
I was just wondering the creative places you've hidden gifts? I lock all ours out in our travel trailer. I wrap out there too, and then just bring them in Christmas Eve.

Muhahhhhahha, if I told ya, I would have to kill ya, lol, it is a well guarded secret

12-10-2002, 02:16 PM
I got them in the extra bedroom closet. But they really aren't hid, everyone knows they are there. My kids know that mommy & daddy are the ones that buy them the presents. I would put them under the tree, but my 2 1/2 year old would have them all opened!!

12-10-2002, 02:40 PM
Right now they are downstairs in the rec room. The kids have seen them. They were with us when we bought them LOL!! But they're not even 2 yet so they won't remember when they open them on Christmas. Won't be able to do that next year! I have to wrap them still but they won't be put under the tree until Christmas Eve night.

12-11-2002, 07:43 AM
Mine are in the closet and the one living room. We are getting our tree today and once decorated and all that fun stuff they will go under the tree.

The Santa presents I actually wrapped all in Santa paper this year and I will keep those in the closet till Christmas Eve .. kids are 3 & 6 so they really don't know yet. But, the closet did mysteriously open (they claim the cat did it!) and once of Santa's presents got opened and re-wrapped ;).

I can't wait to get the tree too so I can go through the presents and take the stuff that is going to my dads house there so I can have so more room.

And I wrap as I buy so they are all wrapped.

12-11-2002, 09:05 AM
The vegetable bin-noone would ever look there!!!!!LOL;)

No, actually, I wrap mine and put them right under the tree.