View Full Version : And the cock crows

12-06-2002, 03:59 AM
Sitting here in the quiet, all of a sudden the cock crows, hubby brought home a rooster, its in a small pet carrier and since it was late he put him in the dining room for the night, well he forgot to turn off the light and that is one confused rooster I'm sure. I just turned off the light in that room so when it gets daylight I wonder if he will crow, the light has been on all night and he did not crow until 5:45 am though it is not dayight outside. I think the rooster will not crow again I think he has got it downpat when to crow but we shall see shortly as it will soon be daylight. Any bets? LOL

12-06-2002, 05:12 AM
Well I was right the rooster knew exactly what he was doing despite the light on in the room, its now 7:41 and not another peep out of him. He's a keeper, but I'm not keeping him in the dining room anymore. He's going out to visit the hen I got roosting and this weekend the hubby is going to be building a coop for them.

12-06-2002, 07:20 AM
That is so funny! My dh will get a kick out of this. I keep 2 black labs and a rottie along with 6 cats in the laundry room at night when it is cold. There is a cat flap so the cats can go in and out when they please. I was telling him I want a horse and he told me no way because I'd try to put it in the laundry room at night along with the dogs and cats. Now I can tell him you keep a rooster in your dining room and now I want one. Think it will work??

12-07-2002, 01:21 AM
Good Luck on that one, hope you don't mind the crowing it was so funny and was just a sound that you really don't appreciate how beautiful it is until he's crowing almost in your ear, wonder why they make that sound everyday. I'm not sure my neighbors are going to appreciate it as much as I do.

12-07-2002, 02:01 AM
Its not starting to get light at 5:45 there? I had a rooster, well 2 of them, once, and it always seemed like they didn't wait for the sun, as soon as it started to get just a little light out, like dusk, those little suckers started in. It drove me nuts because the guy I was living with didn't think of logistics when he biult the chicken coup, and it was right outside out bedroom window! ANd it always seemed to be arounf 5:45, which was about an hour before I needed to get up. I didn't mind it too much on days I had to work, it gave me some extra time in the morning which I enjoyed, but on my daos off I wanted to kill them. THen the neighbors dogs got in the fence & took care of that. I felt bad for saying "I'm gonna kill them" on those mornings off.

I don't think he'll be confused once he's outside. Chickens amuse me. We got a chick that thought I was its mommy, it was really sweet. Tiny little booger & when I came out he would follow me around til I picked him up, and I would cradle him in my hand & he would fall asleep there. The dogs got him too, my baby. :(

Anyway, have fun with your new cock! (I couldn't resist)