View Full Version : to the resident paranormal investigator

11-29-2002, 09:42 PM
Hey Capt I need your help/advice on something. Tell me what you think.

Ok here goes. My boyfriends house I believe is haunted. The activity only seems to happen when I am there, although it has happened about 2 times without me being there. And it only happens in the bedroom. After we are asleep, the light and ceiling fan turn on...I wasnt creeped out by this until what happened last night. (My house is haunted by 2 spirits who passed away at my house before we moved in so im used to stuff like that happening.) Well last night it happened, the light and fan turned on, so i woke my boyfriend up and he turned it off. Well we both layed back down and he fell asleep, and all of a sudden i couldnt keep my eyes open, everything around me went dark and my whole body got heavy, i couldnt move it, it felt as though it was being forced to lay on the bed like i was paraylyzed, and my whole body got tingly. then i felt my head turn toward my boyfriend and i could hear this evil man voice say my boyfriends name while my mouth was moving to the words.. but nothing came out, there was no sound. All the while i kept saying to myself and to this thing to get out of my body and i kept pushing it away, and finally it stopped and i could open my eyes and move my body again. Was i possessed? Why would it be doing this? Was it evil do you think or just someone trying to get a message to him? The house is 45 years old and the lady he bought it from wouldnt tell him why she sold it, he asked her, and she was quiet for a few minutes and just said that she was living with a friend now. Now remember, this only happens in the bedroom, when i am there mostly. There has been no other activity in the house except in the bedroom. What do you think?

Sorry so long.

11-29-2002, 09:59 PM
:eek: Ummm . . .I'm scared now! Thanks. That's waht I get for neing nosy! Those things scare the crap out of me!

11-29-2002, 10:05 PM
lol sorry i scared you merry. Thats why i didnt want to post it on here, i tried to PM it to capt but it said it was disabled.

11-29-2002, 10:19 PM
I think I'd Get the "FLOCK" outta there!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

dream walker 2
11-30-2002, 02:00 AM
The same thing has happened to me, my sister and my sisters daughter, except for hearing a voice, It's a long story. But I know the feeling of not being able to move or say anything, and I can feel someone beside me. I live alone, so I know it's not a bf or anyone, My neice told me of it happening to her, she told her mom about it, she didn't believe her then it happened to her scared her to death. Things have always happened in my house, things no one can explain. But my sister and her daugh don't live here. you just have to make yourself push it away. I don't know how to make it go away for good or what it is. But believe me you are not the only one this happens to. I could write a book about the strange things I have seen, felt. heard, smelled and things I can't explain, I will tell you something that happened 2 nights in a row last week, I can't explain. I will tell in the next post. ok. just hang in there woman and push that thing off.

dream walker 2
11-30-2002, 02:19 AM
I think things like this only happen to certain people, It happened with my mom too. Really weird stuff she saw and heard. That was when my dad was in the navy and she lived alone with 3 kids. But any way let me tell you what happen to me the 2 nights in a row. First of all, my youngest sister died 2 yrs ago really quick with cancer. I loved her so much. I practically took care of her for years. she was 48 when she died. I cry ever day still, But the other night I was on here checking my email and studying at the same time. All of a sudden I could smell perfume real, real strong. I started sneezing and couldn't stop, about 30 times before I did. I got cold chills all over me, from my feet to the top of my head, I could hear like a muffled voice saying something. I felt really wierd. I ask out loud, Mary is that you. then the muffled voice again. I said I can't understand you. again the voice, by then I was crying. I said Mary if you are here please give me a sign, I miss you so much and love you. about that time I got an email, you know, you hear the sound when you get mail, I looked up at my screen and just about hit the floor. The only email that was there was. "Beliefnet Angel" The first paragraph below the title said, angles are around you. It was the first time I had heard of beliefnet angles, noww I get an email every day from it. I even started reading it. all about angles and guarding angles. Now what would you thing about that. The next night at exactly 12 oclock it happened again, the perfume, the email. the voices. She has flowers planted (she lived beside me) that still bloom all winter long, the same ones I have that die when it gets cold. Hers don't die. I took flowers to her grave one day. Plastic lilacs. as soon as I laid them on her grave, you could smell lilacs like you were in a room filled with them. My daughter went back with me a few weeks later, I didn't tell her about smelling the lilacs. She looked at the floweres and said God those look like real lilacs, the smell was overcoming. she looked at me real funny and said do you smell that. I started crying, and told her about the day I put them there. Weird stuff happens that I don't know how to explain and no one else can explain it to me. I have had people come here in the winter to look at her flowers blooming. even dead limbs I trim off and throw on top of my burn pile bloom all winter. ????????????????/

11-30-2002, 09:30 AM
dreamwalker that is beautiful. I've always believed in angels. Never experienced anything to affirm those beliefs. Your story makes me a believer!

11-30-2002, 11:34 AM
You can also burn a white candle for protection and a black candle to release any negative energy (must be pure black, not just black on the outside)Sylvia Browne is doing a book on ghost and is asking for stories, you might want to go to her site and tell your story. Maybe she can help.
dream walker 2, your sister is trying to tell you that she is still with you and watching over you. My dad recently passed and he has already visited me and a few of my sisters. He was a very heavy smoker, I woke up from a nap one day and just as I woke, I could smell cigarette smoke. I also felt the warm air as if someone was blowing the smoke straight down on me. It took me a minute to realize who it was. My oldest sister, who doesn't smoke or allow anyone to smoke in her house, she was walking through the livingroom and smelled cigarette smoke. She said she stopped and thought to herself, did I just smell what I think I smelled? She turned around and walked through again and it was still there.

dream walker 2
11-30-2002, 07:01 PM
Thanks you guys, I was afraid you all would think I was crazy. But I'm not, My mom used to come visit after she died. You could alwasy smell roses. Every lotion or anything she used smelled like roses. I had a friend that stayed in my house while I went to stay with my daughter when she was preg. I came home, my friend said she could smell roses all the time and there wasn't any flowers in the house. LOL I knew what it was. She didn't know about the rose thing with mom. I am so glad I am not the only one that believes in angles. You guys have made me feel great.
Raven.. Could you tell me where I can get like a smudge kit, you know the whole thing, I am only been smudged once but would like to find all the things I need to do smudgings in my home. I have an eagle feather. and also thanks for the nice email. I think you are a very good person.

dream walker 2
11-30-2002, 07:02 PM
ooops I spelled angels wrong. uh oh. but you know what I meant.

11-30-2002, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by Ravenlost
I do this when I move into a new house to clear it of bad luck, etc. It might help remove negative spirits from the house. I grow my own sage to make my smudge sticks.

Many religious and spiritual traditions practice the burning of herbs for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification. Using a smudge stick is part of many American Indian traditions. Smudging is a ritual way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences. You might want to smudge when:

You've been feeling depressed, angry, resentful.
You've had an argument with someone.
You're going to have a special ritual or ceremony.
As part of a general spiritual housecleaning.
To clear your crystals of any negative energy.
In Native societies the herbs used for smudging are considered sacred. Treat your smudge stick with respect, and be respectful about the act of smudging. I find that it is particularly centering to have an intention in mind.

For example, if you are feeling depressed visualize the smoke carrying away all your feelings of depression. If there was an argument imagine yourself and the person with whom you argued being at peace with each other.

If you are clearing your crystals prior to programming them thank both them and the smudge stick for helping you to realize your goals.

In smudging your room/house you may want to affirm that your dwelling place is a temple for body/spirit.

Practical Notes
Smudge sticks are most easily lit from a candle flame. (Matches generally go out before the stick is lit). Once there's a flame blow it out so that the smudge stick is smoldering, not burning. The idea is to get curls of smoke, not to set the smudge stick afire. (Special note: Don't smudge while infants, pregnant women, or people with respiratory diseases are in the room.)

If you're smudging objects, such as crystals, you can hold them in the smoke. If you're smudging a group of crystals you can fan the smoke over them.

In smudging a room walk about the perimeter, giving special attention to the corners and the places behind doors. I like to wave the smudge stick in a slow circle. You can also fan the smoke throughout the room with a large feather.

If you're smudging yourself fan the smoke so that it touches all parts of you. You may want to especially focus on areas where you feel there are blockages or where there has been or is physical, emotional, or psychic pain.

If you're smudging someone else (a client for whom you're doing healing work, for example) do the same.

Have a fireproof receptacle to put the smudge stick in when you've finished, such as a shell or glass or ceramic dish. It's ideal to put the stick out in sand, if available; otherwise, press it against the bottom of the receptacle. You can also use a SMALL amount of water.

Always make sure that a smudge stick is out before leaving the room where you keep it.

Large smudge sticks are of:
Cedar and sage
Cedar, sage and lavender
Small smudge sticks are of:
Cedar and Sage
Cedar, sage and lavender

Although there are different opinions about cedar, my feeling is that it infuses the atmosphere with positive energy, while sage removes negative energy. Lavender has a calming energy and a wonderful fragrance.

OK< now that I have fallen outta my chair, would you help me back up?? All this time you knew about this?? ALL this time I have wanted to tell you about this and thought you'd think I was nuts?? ALL this time you have been growing your own sage??? WOW!!!
:eek: ;) :D We can have some interesting discussions now!!

11-30-2002, 07:19 PM
Angel Chi.. you not only have to push it away, but demand it to leave if it's not there for the best intentions. Say it with authority too, open the doors and windows, so that it sees that you are not playing (I hope I don't get bashed for all this). White sage incense is great to burn for this and purity. Definetly do a cleansing, and imagine this "entity" leaving, saying the whole time "you are not welcome here, this is ___ 's home, I demand that you leave and you leave now"! Hope this helps.;)

11-30-2002, 07:37 PM
Well i told Joe (my boyfriend) about the cleansing and he went to the indian store and cleansed his house tonight. We'll see if it helps. I sure hope it does.

11-30-2002, 07:38 PM
sorry..........i've been oiffline for a while. just be cautious and take raven's advice.

thia could be something that is already there, and is drawn to you while you are there, it could be an "old hag" or sleep paralysis episode. don't invite it into you, to channel or communicate. id try cleansing as raven described, or through prayer of your denomination.

you might want to think about the history of the house or who it could be. prior occupant? relative of either of yours?

12-05-2002, 09:46 AM
SOOOOO what's happened since? Tell us!

12-05-2002, 10:44 AM
Quent's into his ghost thing again. And our lamps keep turning off and the lightbulbs breaking when no one's around..HMM..

12-05-2002, 10:53 AM
MK, I saw you had the last post here and I was going to ask how's your activity level.

12-05-2002, 11:00 AM
seems to be getting worse right now. It also seems to me that last year in the winter was our peak. Quent's started yelling again and not wanting to sleep in his room, there are ghosts, etc. Lamps flicker, bulbs break when no one is around..they come unscrewed..my house is VERY cold..

12-05-2002, 11:04 AM
MK, it's not uncommon for the holidays to peak activity, here's two common theories. I'd say #1 is a big factor for you right now.

1) stress. some entities will feed on stress in the house hold. holidays are stressful, and you right now, particularly with dahubby's work situation.

2) there are theories about how the non-living can envy the joy & human life activity this time of year, or if they are "passed souls" that miss being with their family and are likewise strongly missed, which can call them back, so to speak

12-05-2002, 11:09 AM
So why do they keep messing with my lamps?? OOOH!! And one of the meezer's eyes keep glowing red at night in the dark too..they never did that until a week ago.

12-05-2002, 11:15 AM
Well Joe (my boyfriend) has smudged his whole house and smudges the bedroom everynight. Freaky thing is, last weekend i noticed a skull face on part of his closet door, and i heard something say get rid of the door. so he got rid of the door, now when he smudges the bedroom, the ceiling fan comes on right before he walks into the room to smudge it, so i dont know if its saying i dont want you smudging, he even shut it off and then it turned right back on, activity has also moved into the computer room of the house. i almost had another one of the episodes wednesday morning when i was laying in bed, i heard something say go to the attic thru the closet door, and when i didnt tell joe this, my body felt tingly and started getting heavy so joe came in the room and i told him what i heard and everythign was fine. but there is no way to get to the attic thru any of the closet doors in the house, so i have no clue. when i stay there i make sure to leave the light on in the bedroom when im sleeping lol, i dont know if the evil force is still there or whats going on.

12-05-2002, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by Machande_Kennels
So why do they keep messing with my lamps?? OOOH!! And one of the meezer's eyes keep glowing red at night in the dark too..they never did that until a week ago.

paranormal activity usually affects electricity, either by draining power sources like abtteries, or having lights or other devices come on/off. a spirit might manipulate those things to mess with you, contact you, or if it's a light, it may simply be scared of the dark. lol.

meezer? eyes glowing? any behavior changes to go with that? maybe it has happened before and you just didin't notice? animal eyes tend to reflect light. many times the reflections appear red because of the blood vessels in the eye and retina.

dashy, yw!

angel chi......that is very odd. what were your impressions of the voice that wanted the door gone? Old/young, male/female, benevolent/malevolent? Do you feel it might be the same entity you previously mentioned (can you tell I prefer to think of things as entities rather than ghosts? it's a long explanation LOL)

Maybe the idea to get rid of the door is not about the door itself, but about manipulating/controlling you. Is the activity stronger now? More frequent? Maybe you have unknowingly given the thing more power by bending to its will?

So many maybes and what ifs in these scenarios......it is best to contact someone local if the activity increases and/or scares/hurts you. that way you can talk in detail, and possibly have a "sensitive" or "psychic" best feel out what is happening

12-05-2002, 11:31 AM
He always acts like he's going to pounce on something. GOOFY CAT.

12-05-2002, 11:55 AM
having trouble replying here!

i always try to find a "normal" reason for anything first.

isn't your kitty young? He might be in the adolescent stage. That makes cats act crazy sometimes.

Or he really may be seeing something you don't. Tha t would account for the pouncing on invisible things, and might also be the red reflection you see. In many reports of hauntings or activity, the subjects will report not being able to see anything directly, but only out of peripheral vision or in reflections (after having vision tested to rule out any vision problems)

12-05-2002, 11:57 AM
The meezers are both 5..almost 6. All my dogs act goofy upstairs too, but they're fine downstairs.

Winklestink (aka demon kitty), Precious, and Grendl cat never come upstairs anymore since all this started up again. They're all under 1 year.

12-05-2002, 12:01 PM
that rules out adolesence!

there may be something to that upstairs thing. that's where the majority of your activity is, right? as im sure oyu know, animals are more perceptive about these things than people are.

it's most likely not a territory issue with the animals since I would think that's already been establishe diwth their ages and how long theyve already lived around each other.

how does the meezer act downstairs?

12-05-2002, 12:04 PM
It's upstairs everything happens and in the stair wells and servants quarters. ALL of them are fine downstairs. The Siamese (meezers) are edgy upstairs and when they go downstairs they're all relaxed and calm.


12-05-2002, 12:22 PM
capt- no the voice wasnt "mean" like the first voice i heard. I believe there are 2 different entities in the house, a nice one, and a bad one. I've always been able to hear entities speaking, more like mumbling, but since that incident happened ive been able to hear them more clearly. (my house is haunted), and ive heard the "nice" entity at joes house speak to me a few times clearly since the "paralysis incident" happened. That is why i believe there are 2 entities in the house. It even told me that it turned the ceiling fan and light on to warn me of what was going to happen that night that i felt paraylyzed, but he couldnt stop it happening because the other entity was stronger. I also heard the other day when the entity told me about going to the attic thru the closet door, it also said fire/explosion happened here. Past tense, not future tense. I know i have been told i should accept and be open to the entities talking to me, but it kind of scares me at times, and after they have talked to me, i get a headache. We have contacted a paranormal research team located in the area where we live, and they wrote back asking if i was under a lot of stress or anything like that right now, so she can give us an explination of why these things might be happening.

12-05-2002, 12:29 PM
YOur situation is very complex and beyond any quick help you can get online. You've gotten some interim help here, but I am glad you've contacted a team locally. Keep us posted!

12-05-2002, 01:21 PM
Wow! How did I miss this when it was first posted? We have "someone" living in our apartment. I think it actually followed us from our old one. In our old apartment, my son (Hayden)and I were afraid of this one corner of his bedroom. He wouldn't go near it for some reason. I saw things when I got up in the middle of the night. We even have pictures taken in his room that have a smoky spot sitting next to him. It only happened on pictures taken in a certain spot in his room. Anyway, since we moved in Sept. '01, weird things have happened. First, I kept hearing a cell phone or something at night. It would wake me up from a sound sleep. Then one night every time I changed channels, there would be music (like from a music box) in that split second before the next channel came on. Next, all my forks disappeared 1 by 1. Everything quit for awhile but a few months ago, my husband and I started hearing a child's voice. We will get up and check on Hayden but he's always asleep when it happens. The only history I know about my apartment is that it's in the oldest village on Fort Carson. So that means hundreds of people have probably lived in it. There's really not any way to find out if anything bad has happened here.

12-05-2002, 01:31 PM
staci, that white smoky stuff is called ectoplasm! and have you politely, yet firmly, asked for your forks back? try it, it might work. in one place i had a bandit myself. then if id ask for my stuff back, it would usually be returned in plain view, middle of the floor or countertop. not that I would see it come back, but you know you just walk throught the living room, floor is clean, ask for your KEYS back (i had a KEY BANDIT) go out of the room, come back, and they are in the middle of the floor. go figure!

as far as finding out if anything happened, yes i tcan be difficult and limited to hearsay from othe rpeople in the area. But its kind of hard or awkward to ask people you dont know well, like neighbors, about this kind of stuff. sometimes old newspapers can have items, but it takes time to sift through all that at libraries and stuff. its a lot easier if the place is a historic landmark or something.

12-05-2002, 01:50 PM
I did ask for them back but it didn't work. Anything else that disappeared and I asked for has been returned. Another time, in the old apartment, Kevin "lost" his cell phone. We looked everywhere. A month later, I got the idea to ask for it to be returned. A little later, I got some weird feeling to look in the toolbox and there it was. There is NO way any of us put it there. The toolbox was under a bunch of stuff and I would have noticed if all of it had been moved.

Finding out the history of this place will be hard. Since it's military housing, nobody lives here for very long. Sometime when I get some extra time, I'm going to spend a few hours doing research on our apartment.

12-05-2002, 01:57 PM
when we moved in our house 2 1/2 yrs ago, we asked the elderly ppl who lived here about any stuff that has happened in this house, well me being paranoid i guess, asked her if any had died in here or on the property, she said no but when her son was 19 he got in an accident, and died. every night when the lights go out, i feel like someone is in here following me, i havent noticed anything "missssing" or broken, but i just gt the feeling that he's "here".