View Full Version : Hi Everyone!

11-15-2002, 10:45 PM
OK so I couldnt stay away from everyone or the boards as long as I thought I was going to! I couldnt take thinking anymore! going bonkers over here gotta read and catch up on how/what everyone is doing. but first im going to take a LONG deserving bath in my B&BW stuff I bought today with hubbys $ and im going to go relax some, he shouldnt of ticked me off so bad, then I wouldnt of spent nearly $40 in there today :D lol. I know I said in the freebie boards that they were gifts for x mas, but man Im able to smell again right now and I shouldnt have, but I did go and smell what I bought. o well, just means ill have to go back for more! :rolleyes: :D haha!
Hope everyone is doing well and many apologies for being rude to ANYONE this past 2 months.
btw, WHAT DID I MISS???? :)

11-15-2002, 11:09 PM
Welcome back chica!!! How was your bath? So what's the scoop with your hubby? Are you ALLOWING him to stay?!?:p

It's 11:10 here. My husband and 4 year old are asleep. I, of course, am up with the 1 year old. He's an energetic little bugger tonight. Refuses to go to sleep!! I just put him in the playpen with his favorite blanket and cross my fingers!!!!

11-15-2002, 11:40 PM
lol ty really needed that laugh!. im not sure what im doing yet, i gotta at least see if hes changed remotely for the kids sake, i dont know though, think my mind is made up, but still need to talk to my parents about everyhting as i have no place else to go. also been out looking for a job, but thinking of seeing if i can qualify for assistance to start going to jr college for a few things, got so much to think about yet, or think about where I want to be in 2 yrs anyways, UGH!. dont know how bath was LOL i cant seem to get off of here yet
GOOD LUCK with that lil one of yours! man, i know how that feels all to oftain!! my 3 yr old has been waking up in middle of night and not wanting to go back to sleep * on knees praying for tonight* to sleep all night!

11-16-2002, 09:20 AM
Good luck with your thoughts!! Keep us posted. By the way - YOU GO GIRL with that college thing!!!;)