View Full Version : Adopt these poor orphans!!!!

11-14-2002, 05:08 AM
Ladies, These 4 Orphan Boys Need a New Home.
Do you have room in your heart to adopt these guys?


11-14-2002, 05:23 AM
:eek: Im ready to adopt each one of em :rolleyes: ;)

11-14-2002, 05:29 AM
I'm sure we could handle taking atleast 1! I don't think my hubby would mind if we took in an orphan;)

11-14-2002, 01:32 PM
I want to know what their hiding behind their hands. Ok, I just want to be sure if they are going to need more clothes or if they are used to walking around that way. I mean, I need to know how expensive they are going to be to keep?

Ok, I really need to know how soon they can get to my house and if they cook and clean and are they just for show or do they know what they're doing?

11-14-2002, 02:59 PM
:eek: I will take all four! There is plenty of bed in my room...I mean room in my bed....I mean room in my apt. yummy!

11-14-2002, 06:08 PM
~~~~~~~~~~~~~SURE~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @{------

11-14-2002, 06:14 PM
:eek: ohhhh baby!!!!


bring em this way:p

11-14-2002, 06:28 PM
I know your not supposed to have fantasies about your adopted, but hey, they ain't blood related !!

I know that sounds SO WRONG

11-14-2002, 07:03 PM
Welcome them to my Heart my fat a$$, Im thinking BED!

11-14-2002, 07:05 PM
Hot diggity doggies. I'll take the ones at each end. That leaves 2 for the rest of you to fight over:D :D :D They look delicious:D :D :D Can 62 year old ladies say that:D :D :D

11-14-2002, 07:40 PM
I reckon 62 yr old ladies can say anything they please!

11-14-2002, 07:51 PM
Nah, already got three or four freeloaders like that hanging around the house now


The Freebie Huntress
11-14-2002, 09:09 PM
I think they should have posed with their hands on their hips! hehehe
I want the first one! yummy yummy!

11-15-2002, 12:08 AM
MMMmm send them over...I bet their names are hear no evil,seeno evil,speak no evil, and have some fun :D :D (we'll start with that one:p :p :p