View Full Version : are we having secret santa?

11-06-2002, 09:12 AM
i want to join lol:)

11-06-2002, 09:19 AM
I think they already did it


11-06-2002, 09:28 AM
I think there was someone else interested in getting in. Maybe it's not too late to pair up a couple more...contact gemini26!

11-06-2002, 11:16 AM
Wendie, I have a few more people that want to join. Send me the completed questionnaire and full mailing addy asap. You can still join. If anyone else is interested I will give it another day and then close this up for good. Make sure and give me your BBS user name as well. Thanks!
send to dwyer18@excite.com

Secret Santa Questionnaire

My Name:

My Mailing Address:

My Age:

Marital Status:

I have Children, yes or no, if so how many and ages:


House Décor:


Favorite Color:

Favorite Scents:

Your Most Sinful Pleasure (keep it clean, lol):

Favorite Food:

Favorite Drink:

I Collect:

My Hobbies:

Type of Music I Listen To:

Favorite Band/Singer:

Favorite Movie:

Favorite Types of Books to Read:

Any Other Info that You Think Would Be Helpful For Your Secret Santa: