View Full Version : Who knows enough about IncrediMail to help me out?

11-03-2002, 07:11 PM
My bil and I did the big nasty today, worked on my computer all afternoon. We did a partial reformat or something, I don't know. It's on life support, but still alive. IncrediMail was the email program I used. I can't get it 'back' or to open. ALL my seriously important emails are in there. Including ornament exchange info, secret Santa info and info on 2 open auctions and an order confirmation from a web-purchase.

Does anyone know how I can 'get back' IncrediMail? I didn't uninstall it, and we did the thingy that didn't cause any lose of files etc. I have most all my other programs ...

If nothing else, can someone open their IncrediMail and check 'help' there and see if it says anything?


11-03-2002, 07:24 PM

This is the help section, can you click on it and see it??

11-03-2002, 07:25 PM
I don't think I can be of much help otherwise, I have it but don't use it much. It is my ISP email addy and it rarely gets use.

11-03-2002, 08:09 PM
I use it all time, but have no clue how to "get it back". Does it leave your mail on your server? If it does, maybe you could get your messages from there.

11-03-2002, 08:18 PM
I used incredimail for a long time. It is riddled with problems, but I really loved it, so I kept on using it. Then I had the same problem you had. My brother recommended that I try reinstalling it. Sometimes this Adds back what the program is missing, and it shouldn't mess up anything that you already have on there. This could work. In my case it didn't, and I had to completely delete the program. I ended up not reinstalling it. I suggest, if you continue to use it, that you keep your important emails in an alternate place as well, as I lost alot of info in the same way!

Good Luck

Kyla Kym
11-03-2002, 08:47 PM
If you want to see if your files are all there before you reinstall so you can save them incase the new installation wipes out your old e-mails. You can
right click on start in the bottom left hand corner
select explorer
click on tools at the top of your page.
Go to folder options
click on the view tab
In the hidden files folder
select to show all files
click apply
then click ok

now over to the left in the folders
you need to go to
C:\Program Files\IncrediMail\Data\Identities\

Under this folder you should find all your e-mails and addys.

I would just save the whole Identities folder. And if you do lose everything you can always just drag and drop it back into that folder after you reinstall.

I didn't copy this from any help file. Or web page. I never do. It's just from personal experience. And everytime I have a email program go belly up. That is what I do. And it has allways worked for me.