View Full Version : EEK!!! My cat may be preggers....

10-13-2002, 06:37 PM
Ok. I know the obvious signs of a pet being preggers etc.

But, my cat Ariel is a tough cookie to crumble. For the last few months she has become more bold about getting her meals and fighting for her rights...as we have another much bigger cat (also female) than she.

She is always in the house and doesn't get out much except when the kids forget to shut the door. Yet she has only been out a handful of times.

Now back to my current problem...Ariel has gotten a little rounder but is eating more and better. Yet her belly is round somewhat firm but not hard. I can't afford to take her to the vet at this time (my youngest dot is chronically ill) to have her checked out but I have kept up with her shots and only take her when she has too see the vet. Any other signs she may be preggers?

10-14-2002, 05:06 AM
I honestly need advice:D

I want to give my cat the best care I can under our current circumstances.


10-14-2002, 08:18 AM
honestly, cats are better at the pregger and delivery than we are. Instinctively they know what to do, and unless you think she is having complications, there really is no need to take her to the vet. also, is her nipples bigger? they tend to do that when they are preggers

10-14-2002, 08:34 AM
If your cat is pregnant there is nothing to worry about and really no need for a vet. I have had hundreds of cats in my life and not one ever had a problem with delivery. The only thing to worry about is where she will have them but you really don't even have control over that. She may start going into dark, secluded places like closets looking for a place to nest. Other signs are if she gets rounder behind the rib cage and her nipple area will start to enlarge from milk storage. Relax and wait, 63 days isn't that long. As for giving her the best care just make sure she has plenty of food and water.

10-14-2002, 03:55 PM
the biggest sign i would say is her nipples filling out. my cat just had a litter of kittens 2 weeks ago, and my dog had a litter of puppies 10 weeks ago :)