View Full Version : Question for those who have had an MRI.

10-11-2002, 08:44 PM
Do they tell you then if they see anything wrong? Or do you have to wait for them to send it to your dr., then your dr. will tell you? I have mine on Monday & I'm really wondering.


10-11-2002, 08:47 PM
the doctor see's it and then the doctor will tell you

10-11-2002, 08:59 PM
when I had mine done on my back the radiologist had to read and then send it to the doctor and the doctor told me what it said

10-11-2002, 09:07 PM
Doctor tells you.

10-11-2002, 09:10 PM
aw, man! I don't know how long its going to take for me to get back to my neurologist. Well, I imagine if there is something bad, they will fit me in pretty quickly.


10-11-2002, 10:14 PM

like the others said, the radiologist has to read it and then gives the info to the DR. sometimes you can get a view of the MRI after it is done (depends on the technicians of course).

what ever it is that you had the MRI done for, I sure hope it is not anything to worry about. Keep us posted please.

10-11-2002, 10:32 PM
i had mine last monday they promised to have the results to my doctor on tuesday when i went for my doctors appt. but it was not till thursday till we got the results plus they asked all kinds of questions about cancer and my family so i just knew it was really bad news so for 3 days we waited to hear was on pins and needles so when my doctor called thursday morning at 8am she knew we were worried it was news we wanted to hear but i think the people who do the mri's and read them could be nicer and get the news to you faster than they do.

10-11-2002, 11:07 PM
It is really not the MRI techs or doctors you are waiting on, it is usually the reports to be typed by the transcriptionist. It is also considered malpractice for a tech to diagnose a patient. Just trying to help!

10-12-2002, 12:50 AM
ah, thanks. I want to see it. Will I get to see it?? Will I get to take a picture of my brain home?? I think that would be nifty.

I swear, as crappy as my head has been feeling the past 3 days, part of me hopes they find something so they can fix it, rather than continuing to be miserable while someone tries to figure out what's wrong!! /whine

10-12-2002, 01:48 AM
crappy head??? Sounds like you went to the same PA that I did one time that told me I had "grubbies" in my chest.

10-12-2002, 12:03 PM
a lot of times if you can get out of the machine fast enough and around to the console where the tech works you can see the last image they take, did they prepare you on how it works/what happens? A lot of people can't handle mri's, especially if you are claustrophic. Me, I can fall asleep in one.

If you ask the doctor he might be able to show it to you if they sent it over with the transcript. But they generally keep them for future reference.

10-12-2002, 07:59 PM
Just thought you may want to know that they have got open sided MRI scaners that are virtually totally open. Maybe this is the type machine they will use on you.
Good lucxk to you. Hope they find out what is causing your headaches and can find out what to do about them.

10-12-2002, 08:16 PM
Hope they come up with an answer for you denisemm!!

If you know what they are looking for specifically-then you can look on the net and try to find pictures of mri's that show the characteristics of what they are looking for-that way, if you get to sneek a look at the mri scans-you'll know what you're looking for. Otherwise-you can look all you want, but it'll just look like a bunch of pretty colors to you!! And the techs will offer absolutely no information! They'll usually let you look because they know you have no idea what you're looking at! I tried to figure some of mine out but find the pics on the net-it helped a little so the wait for the doc didn't drive me absolutely nuts!

My first one was in an open mri machine-they had to pull me back out twice because I started having panic attacks and absolutely couldn't breathe-I'm definitly claustrophobic! If you are-you can ask them for hospital scrubs instead of your clothes-this helps some because your clothes are so confining, and they'll play any music that you want-some will let you bring in a cd.

For my last 3-I choose the closed MRI! I know it sounds crazy from someone who had a hard time with the open one! But the closed one was much easier for me to handle-ok-I was on valium for the first closed one! But I found that I liked it a lot better and didn't need pills for the other 2! I actually got in and went right to sleep both times!

I wish you well for yours! Let us know how it turns out for you!