View Full Version : help a young girl

10-08-2002, 02:32 PM
Hi all im a member of the get-paid community and i got a letter from one of the webmistresses. i thought there might be people out there who are'nt gptr would like to help too!

this is what i just got from electro-email

would like to ask all my members to go visit a webpage I have made for my daughters friend Jade. She is an 11 yr. old girl who is facing her second brain surgery to remove a tumor. You can do a search for Jade, or donate by Paypal or Egold, but more than that we (me and my daughter) would like to ask you to take a few mintues, use the link on the page, and send an Ecard to Jade. We are hoping to get at least one for her for every place in the world. It would only take you a few mintues and would mean so much. If you would like, bookmark the page and go back often to send cards to everyone you know (one cent will be donated to Jade for every ecard sent) and to see how she is doing as I will update the page often


her addy is jade@flanneljava.com



10-08-2002, 06:04 PM
Has anyone checked if this is legit?

10-08-2002, 06:17 PM
yes, or i wouldnt have posted it

im just thinking it would be nice for this girl to get some cards to cheer her up

10-08-2002, 09:23 PM
Thanks lucyfer.
I wasn't implying anything and I hope you didn't take
it the wrong way. There are so many people that forward
emails that prey on your emotions that end up being
listed as false on snopes.com. I wasn't sure.
I'm off to send her some cards........

Kyla Kym
10-08-2002, 09:36 PM
Believe me this is a wonderful thing to do!!!

When my cousin and her stepdad was hurt in a freak accident. Burned real bad. I think it was called flash burn. They had dug up a old butane tank and it exploded. My 16 yr old cousin was just getting ready to walk out the door and it just burn her something awful. And her stepdad was pretty bad as well.

Anyway another girl and I built a website for them. They are well known is several towns. That website was generating hundreds of dollars in donations being put into a trust fund for them. People where sending cards by the tons. And Kesha & Roddy really did excited to get them while they where in the burn unit. We keep the progress and updates on the site as they got better. But that site gave them something to look forward to each day other than pain.

So please everyone do that. I can't think of why it would be bogus as long as they are just asking for cards. I use to get allot of emails for kesha and roddy as well and would print them off to be sent to the hospital to them.

This little girl might not know you , but It will brighten up her day.

10-08-2002, 10:20 PM
oh,no i didnt take it the wrong way, i completely understand! even if you cant donate, this a great way to cheer her up!:)