View Full Version : For those suffering from depression.

10-01-2002, 01:57 PM
Dear Annie: National Depression Screening Day now carries a great deal of significance for my family. Last year, I saw my invincible mother suddenly become invisible. Life's harsh realities seemed insurmountable, and Mom, the rock of our family, crumbled. She went from her typical social, upbeat, good-humored self to a quiet lump under the covers who could barely crawl out of bed. My rock had become a puddle. I was away at school and didn't know what to do. Friends and family were helpless to save her from her crippling emotions. Thankfully, when she heard about National Depression Screening Day, she decided to seek help. That day changed her life. She talked to a therapist at Willapa Counseling in Washington state, and with the support of her caring and gifted counselor, she is working through her depression and anxiety. I am even more amazed by the woman I have come to know, and I am so grateful to have her.

Tell people not to pull the covers over their heads and pretend tomorrow will be better. My life and my mother's life wouldn't be the same without the help she received. National Depression Screening Day changes lives. -- Nicole in Washington

Dear Nicole: Thank you for the opportunity to once again mention National Depression Screening Day, which will take place on Thursday, Oct. 10.

Symptoms of depression include: a persistent sad, anxious or empty mood; feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness; feelings of guilt; loss of interest in everyday activities; difficulty concentrating or making decisions; unexplained aches and pains; changes in appetite and sleep; and thoughts of death or suicide.

Symptoms of manic-depression include the symptoms listed above, plus: excessive euphoria; extreme irritability or distractibility; racing, rapidly shifting thoughts; quick, pressured speech; decreased need for sleep; unrealistic or grandiose beliefs in abilities; increased sexual drive, risky sexual behavior; reckless, impulsive behavior; abuse of drugs or alcohol; and in extreme cases, hallucinations, delusions or paranoia.

Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include excessive, uncontrollable worry over everyday things. This worry lasts six months or more, and is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as sweating, nausea, gastrointestinal upset, clammy hands and muscle tension. Anxiety often occurs with depression and is frequently dismissed as "stress."

Post-traumatic stress disorder can occur at any age, and the stress can be cumulative over a lifetime. Things that can bring on PTSD include a threat to your life, learning about the death or serious injury of a family member or close friend, or witnessing the death or serious injury of another person. Symptoms are re-experiencing the event through intrusive thoughts or recurrent dreams; avoiding activities or people associated with the trauma; a general numbness and loss of interest in surroundings; hypersensitivity, an inability to sleep, overactive startle response, hypervigilance and outbursts of anger; feelings of intense fear, helplessness and/or horror. (Many people have experienced PTSD since the trauma of 9/11.)

If you or anyone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, please call 1-800-437-1200 (TDD: 1-800-697-3800) or access www.mentalhealthscreening.org to locate a screening site in your area. The phone number is for Annie's Mailbox readers, and the lines are open TODAY. Please call now, and get the help you need.

10-02-2002, 02:55 AM
Thanks for posting this I suffer from clinical depression and take meds for it, most people who have been fortunate enough to never experience this don't understand what it is because after all everyone has a depressing day every now and then its like a bad hairday, but clinical depression is that bad day repeating itself over and over and you just don't know why you are depressed, you try though now just getting up and dressed is something that seems to take more energy than you have, you begin to feel more and more helpless, more and more worthless, it takes too much energy to care about how you look, too much energy sometimes to even go to the doctor to get help you are so ashamed to be so helpless because you can't seem to get control of your life because you can't figure out how to stop this or whats causing it. Your family and friends usually don't understand either and your family is having to do the things you are supposed to do and even if the family is understanding you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. You feel like your in a boat full of holes in the middle of the ocean and you've got a cup to dip the water out but for each cup you dip a gallon pours back in. One of the hardest parts is going to the doctors and getting meds and sometimes they don't work so they have to increase the meds or change them and it ususally takes 2 weeks for them to get into your system but you got to keep trying. For me I've been on about 10 different meds before I finally found the one that worked for me. I'm not writing this for sympathy but just trying to explain that its not a disease of choice to get out of work or dealing with life, its a horrible disease that can debilitate you overnight and if you know someone who is experiencing this get them help, take them to the doctor, help them get their clothes together and ready to go if necessary help them get their meds sometimes even these simple tasks become a challenge for someone who is clinically depressed, if you are experiencing this yourself please get help.

10-02-2002, 12:27 PM
I suffer from depression also. I take medication on a daily basis and it really helps me. If I forget to take it, it makes a big difference in my day. I was just diagnosed in June/July and am so glad I'm on medication. This is a serious disease and I think some people don't realize that. My mom took me to my family doctor and everything is confidential with her.