View Full Version : Was announced...scientists have grown human teeth in labs

09-26-2002, 09:43 PM
for the first time!

This is great news for dentists and even better news for guests on Jerry Springer.


09-26-2002, 09:44 PM
I heard about that. Also heard it'd be 10 years for anyone can use it. :confused: just in time for Mike I'd say :eek: :D

09-26-2002, 09:56 PM
Eeek! I don't think so!:eek:

Off to floss for me! I'm keeping what I have!

I read the other day that scientists were actually
trying to grow penises in a lab!:eek:

Oompa oompa doopidy do
LOL I have that song going through my head!:D

09-27-2002, 06:24 AM
YES{{{Jaybird}}}~I did see that on the news lastnight.I know it has to be good news for people but jeeze theres just something very freaky about the thought of growing teeth!!~LOL~!
and WOW~I havent heard anything about the penises~if thats true~thats going way too far for me~because really how often is it that people need replacement penises anyway?????:rolleyes: :eek:

Oh and heres a question~~exactly how "long" would penises need to grow anyway???LOL~!!!

09-27-2002, 12:24 PM
I seen on the CNN little news ticker on TV today that they cloned pig teeth, from stem cell research .. wasn't stem cell research banned?

09-27-2002, 10:04 PM
Here is the article I mentioned:D :eek:
LONDON (Sept. 12) - Scientists in the United States have come up with news that may help millions of men -- they have succeeded in growing major parts of penises in the laboratory.

The test tube penile parts were successfully used to rebuild the members of rabbits who -- after rest and recuperation -- put them to the use that rabbits are famous for.

''They were able to copulate, penetrate and produce sperm,'' Anthony Atala, whose team at Harvard Medical School carried out the experiments, told New Scientist magazine.

He said the researchers were now trying to grow entire penises in the test tube.

But he also said the technique was at an early stage and that it would be a while before the technique was tried with human tissue.

The scientists had only been successful in growing the erectile tissues of rabbit penises -- not the entire organ -- and in all cases the erect member had the reduced firmness of a 60-year-old against that of a more virile 30-year-old.

Reuters 09:34 09-12-02