View Full Version : Anyone else with TMJ?

09-23-2002, 07:48 AM
My jaws have been killing me that past 6 weeks. I thought they'd go back to normal, but how wrong was I?! I also have temple headaches daily for them. :(
I have my appointment in two weeks with an oral surgeon and I think they're going to splint my jaws. I hope it doesn't hurt that much!

Temporomandibular joint disease - a painful condition affecting the area where the lower jaw connects to the sides of the skull which impairs function and sensation in the face and jaw, which may spread to the ears, neck, and shoulders.


09-23-2002, 07:57 AM
My aunt has this. She has been on a "No Solid food" diet for 3 months, then shes ging to get to eat mushy stuff, and MAYBE she can graduate to solids later. I know she has lots of pain and discomfort from this.

Jolie Rouge
09-23-2002, 08:01 AM
yes - it is horrible -- it hurts to yawn ! I can't even eat a hamburger because it hurts to open my mouth that wide. I have been told they need to do surgery, re-break the jaw -- reset it; and then be unable to talk or eat for 6 weeks - no solid food for 6 months.

Sounds llike the cure may be worse than the disease !

09-23-2002, 08:04 AM
I've had it for years and really do need to make an appointment with an Orthodontist to see what can be done about it. My jaw does not open very wide (2 years ago I had a wisdom tooth removed & the dentist "sprained" my jaw trying to get it open enough to get at the tooth). My jaw also fatiques very quickly....I haven't been able to chew gum since I was a kid. Also the joints of my jaw make horrible noises & click alot.

I've heard that TMJ is sort of common in people who have had braces which I did.

09-23-2002, 08:10 AM
Sounds like I have a lot of pain headed my way! I have never had braces, but I did have 'clicking' jaws, but not as bad as my mom does. Her jaws click all the time, but she has never had this problem. I also can't open my mouth wide and if I do it gets "locked" in that position. I'm not looking forward to Not eating. You all know how much I enjoy food!!!!!:( Right now if I try to eat sadwiches or anything I have to cut them up first. :rolleyes:

09-23-2002, 10:04 AM
Chort you should go to Family Physicians of O'Fallon. They will send you to their physical therapy dept. There they will do some ultra sound massage and it will help out!

I don't know what they will do with a splint.

I have tmj and was told I need a mouth guard for at night so I don't grind my teath.

Also don't chew gum!!

09-23-2002, 10:29 AM
I don't chew gum!!! And I have some teeth bonded on bottom because my teeth grind when i eat. But I can't go to family phy---there's only two oral surgeons in my med plan!!!!! (That my med will pay for.) Also, Aetna informed me that I had to claim it under my medical and not dental because "jaws" are considered medical to them. GEEZ! It's just all so confusing!~!!!!

The sound therapy sounds interesting, though.

09-23-2002, 10:33 AM
I have TMJ and wear a night guard when I sleep to stop from grinding. I also had braces put on when I was 23 to help re-align my teeth (they were straight but sat on top of each other), which did help. My jaw does click (I can click it very easily) and certain foods aggravate my jaw. But I would search out all your options before you decide on surgery. My dentist told me that was a last ditch effort, and I thankfully don't suffer enough to even begin to think of having my jaw broke :( He also said that having your jaw broke doesn't guarantee a cure!

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

09-23-2002, 11:56 AM
I plan on NOT having surgery! I sure don't want it any way!!!! I will do anything not to have it! I just don't want my teeth to be unaligned because of this. I have never had braces and don't want them! AHHHHHHHH! It's getting hard to find someone to even look at me at this point! geez!

09-23-2002, 12:29 PM
i HIGHLY recommend seeing a massage therapist for this, if you call to a massage therapy place make sure to ask them if they know TMJ massage, it helps greatly. we are learning this in massage school right now, its amazing what massage can do. basically they put gloves on and will use their fingers to massage the inside of your mouth, if you want to know more about it, just do a search on the net for it.

09-23-2002, 12:31 PM
Angel, I never thought about that! I'm going to call two of my friends who do massage and ask them! Thanks for the suggetion!

God's child
09-23-2002, 01:09 PM
I've had TMJ for the past 18 years. No braces, the cushioning disc in my jaw just deteriorated. The dentist said if it got bad enough, I could have it replaced. A friend of mine had it done, and she says it was not something she would have done again. I used to wear a bite guard (24 hours a day to begin with, then only at night). I have gotten to the point that I can do without it. I hate to go to the dentist because of the TMJ. I had to have a root canal done and am having a crown done now on a back tooth. Luckily, my dentist is a very understanding man. It bothers me some after having dental work. I'm just praying that it doesn't flare up again. If heat helps it, take an old sock (clean of course), fill it with rice, knot it, and put it in the microwave for 1 1/2 minutes. This will form around your jaw and the heat lasts a long time. Believe me, I keep a rice sock all the time. Hope you get better soon.

(I never had luck with insurance either. They wouldn't even pay on a bite guard. Dental says
its medical and medical says its dental. BIG SURPRISE!!!Looks like it would be both to me.)

09-23-2002, 01:27 PM
God's child, thanks for the sock suggestion, i wouldn't have thought about that. Yes, if I have to have surgery I'm covered 100% thru medical, but if I don't I'm covered whatever my dental ins. WANTS to cover. There's so many little 'clauses' in there they probably won't cover much. Good luck on getting your crown done. I used to LOVE going to the dentist!!!!! But now since I can't open my freakin mouth that's going to change! I have an appointment (consultation) on Oct 2nd. I'm going home to get my sock now! thanks!

Jolie Rouge
09-23-2002, 01:57 PM
Chort - I HATE Aetna I have learned the HARD way with insurance I HATE Aetna - document EVERYTHING - I HATE Aetna when you called (time & date), whom you spoke with; get as much as you can in writing. I HATE Aetna .... make sure you have copies of everything you send and if poss. everything the Dr. sends. I HATE Aetna

The sock thing really works ! I added dried rosemary to mine - the scent is relaxing. I keep one in the fridge - heat it up in the microwave (30 seconds) as needed.

09-23-2002, 07:42 PM
Jolie---thanks, I will make sure to keep copies and names! I have had Aetna for 3 years. My first plan was PPO, which was awesome. Now it's HMO which sucks. They'll probably just let my jaws wither away and I'll be jawless.... I'll try the rosemary scent or lavendar.

I hate insurance companies!

09-24-2002, 06:49 AM
I have TMJ too :( I've had it for 20 yrs. I've done braces, splints, etc, nothing has worked :( I didn't do the surgery, there were too many risks IMO. I just use Aleve and heat. I like the sock idea, I'm gonna try that tonight!

09-24-2002, 08:56 AM
I have had tmj most of my life, my insurance did pay for the night guard but I never could keep it in my mouth all night. I would pull it out and throw it across the room while I was asleep, every morning became a treasure hunt. I finally gave up on using it. It has been sitting in a tupperware bowl in listerine for about 10 years. My jaws actually pop, I get headaches and grind my teeth most nights. As for actually hurting, this only happens when I have a bad grinding episode, which for me is stress related, so I try different relaxation techniques before going to sleep.

Burt Reynolds has tmj. I once read that he actually had joint replacements and that they were unsuccessful and he still has a lot of problems and I believe he was going to have to have more surgery.

09-24-2002, 08:58 AM
(((((((((((BIG BIG HUGS TO YOU))))))))))))):)