View Full Version : Does anyone know what this could be?

09-22-2002, 03:59 PM
The other day my son, who is 10, had me look behind his ear. It looked really dry & the skin was peeling. It didn't look too bad. There were no sores or anything. I thought it was dry skin. We haven't used any new products lately, so I don't think it is an allergy.

Well, today I looked again & it looks like 2 big open sores. They are oozing clear liquid. There are no scabs anywhere on the sores. I haven't seen him scratching. He say it really hurts & that his hair keeps sticking to it because of the fluid. Any ideas? I don't see any kind of rash & I don't have a clue. Any ideas would be appreciated.

09-22-2002, 04:08 PM
First question would be new glasses or sunglasses maybe?? Or a cap that could be rubbing in the wrong place.

other than that, maybe he just had some dry skin peeling that he scratched at and it got infected and he scraped it off.. Try some neosporin and a bandaid or somesuch on it, see if it looks better in the morning. if not I'd call the dr if it looks to bad..


09-22-2002, 04:09 PM
I don't know.My first thought was excema when you said dry skin and peeling,but I don't know about the open sores.It could be some kind of allergic reaction though.I would wipe it down with peroxide and put some bacatracin on it.Then if it gets worse take him to the Dr.I hope he'll be ok.

09-22-2002, 04:09 PM
You may want to check his hair for lice. When I was lil my cousin was scratching behind her ears and the back of her neck. And that was her problem.

If you don't see anything in his hair I would take him to the doctors to make sure it isn't something that is infected.


09-22-2002, 04:18 PM
Maybe a spider bite,I know when sara got bit you couldt even tell until it started to ooze and the like.If he starts running fever complaining of body aches and the like, get him in to a doctor.

Keep a eye on it.

09-22-2002, 04:40 PM
Thanks for all the help. He doen't wear a hat or glasses. I checked for lice. Nope. We haven't been using any new products, so I don't think it could be allergy.

Susan, You know how I am about spiders. Ewwww!

It really looks like he has been scratching it, but he swears he hasn't. Maybe he was scratching it in his sleep? All I can think of.
Oh well, I guess it's the doctors for him.
Thanks again everyone

09-22-2002, 06:31 PM
Thanks smurfy, that eases my mind. I had just never seen dry skin do that. Thanks to everyone else for the help too.

09-22-2002, 07:07 PM
My neice's ear was like that and it was from not drying behind her ears good enough after baths. Maybe that's what it is. ?

09-22-2002, 08:21 PM
If it looks like he has been scratching it may be a rash which would indicate a spider bite as well. Do watch for a fever and feeling like he is getting the flu. He would need to get on antibiotics.

09-22-2002, 11:35 PM
I think I would take him to the doctor just to be on the safe side, when I was little (about 18 months) I got chicken poxs and scratched one on my head it got infected and swelled up so bad they had to do surgery to put tubes in to drain. My Mom was one of those clean freaks so why it got so infected I don't know, some bacteria or organisms grows faster than others, its probably nothing more than dry skin but until a doctor tells me its nothing to be concerned about I think I would take him to see one just to be on the safe side. Anyway now when I am a little bit flaky as I sometime can be I always say well you know I did have surgery on my head as a small child, way back in the dark ages.

09-22-2002, 11:40 PM

Peroxide and Alcohol dry the ears out. I pierce ears for a living and I have learned so much from it. Get bacitracin or a triple antibiotic cream. You might want to get a very gentle ear cleaning solution as well (they sell it wherever you can get your ears pierced. Its gentle but extremely effective) Also, he might be allergic to hair spray or gel. You might try a different brand or try to stop it all together (considering if he actually uses it)

Good luck to you and your son!

09-23-2002, 12:46 AM
My sister is a nurse and she says that older
children can get"cradle cap" if you know what
that is....The stuff that babies get....
If that is what it is.....you can just put
baby oil on it to loosen it up. Once it's off
it won't irritate him anymore

09-23-2002, 05:18 AM
My youngest child who is 4 has this...Taken her to the dr and it is just dry skin...her skin gets so dry all over her body that it cracks and bleeds. Put a mixture of vasaline and cortaid sensitive skin on it. What I do is put equal amounts of each in a itty bitty tuperware bowl and mix. That way you always have some mixed up, just snap lid on tightly on bowl. The cortaid (hydrocortisone) heals and the vasaline helps protect from further irritation. Keeps it moisturized.

09-23-2002, 09:36 AM
blueyez--You better check what you are washing your daughter with. If she is taking hot baths and using a drying soap she will be really dry.

Try a mosturizing soap and tepid water then pat her dry. Use mosture cream like Vasline intersive care. Maybe someone with dry skin can tell you. the winter can be the worse.

09-23-2002, 10:30 AM
My son also had this problem. It was from using a very drying soap (Coast). I cleaned it with a little hydrogen peroxide and then slathered on some Neosporin and left it alone. It healed up in a day or so, and he has never had any problems since we stopped using Coast....