View Full Version : Any DRs/Nurses in the house?

09-17-2002, 05:02 PM
Totally weird and crazy- I have woken up each morning for the past 2 weeks with swollen lips. Ive always had problems with allergies, but Ive never had JUST swollen lips before, or even swollen lips with any other allergies except when I was a kid (38 now). My DR wasnt in, so I saw the Nurse Practitioner, and she prescribed me some Allegra (last week). I feel stupid taking it, like this is a sign of something more serious. In my past, Ive had very serious allergic reactions, and this has me stumped. My lips were huge this morning, and the only other symptom is 2 humps behind my shoulders, such as tight muscles- that wont go away with massage. I guess now I know what it would be like for me to have those collagen lips the stars have....

Just curious if there is any other knowledgable person out there who has experienced this, known someone who has, or a medical field person who has some amazing revelation for me.

Crazy here with fat lips, thanks for your help!!!! Barbara

09-17-2002, 05:18 PM
You can get swollen lips from allergies/allergic reactions. You may want to try the Allegra to see if it helps. If it doesn't go back to the doctor.

09-17-2002, 07:21 PM
What kind of pillow are you using? I have to have one of those pillow cases for allergies.When I go visit relatives, this always happens to me if I don't take my own pillow. As for the tight muscles, do stretches thru out the day, it helps.

09-17-2002, 08:36 PM
all I know about allergies is I have 'em :D and when I was put on zyrtec (do NOT ask) it knocked me off my feet :eek: They actually had me go home from work early cus of it...I haven't been on allegra & the only time I ever poofed up was from the poison ivy, but shhh mom still doesn't know the truth about THAT ONE :o

~Angel Eyez~
09-17-2002, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by flute
all I know about allergies is I have 'em :D and when I was put on zyrtec (do NOT ask) it knocked me off my feet :eek: They actually had me go home from work early cus of it...I haven't been on allegra & the only time I ever poofed up was from the poison ivy, but shhh mom still doesn't know the truth about THAT ONE :o
are you serious it made you sleepy??? Ive been taking it forever and Ive never had that prob, I think Zyrteck is the best Ive been on Allegra and Clartin and this works best..

anyway Im a nursing student I dont know tons.. but allergic reactions will cause your lips to be swollen, but those other ideas pillows, etc sound like they are the cause I think the advice about the allergist is the best I couldnt figure mine out, my eyes would water and itch really bad and now im totally fine

Good Luck

09-17-2002, 09:22 PM
I have this happen to me a lot. And I wake up with hives on my upper legs. No one can figure out why. Sometimes I will have my entire face swell and throat swell shut. And the allergist can't figure out why.

I think I am allergic to housework but no one goes for that one! Honestly though I am not sure what I am allergic to, cause nothing changes around here and I don't always have this problem.

Call an allergist! I hope you feel better soon!

09-17-2002, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by ~Angel Eyez~
are you serious it made you sleepy??? Ive been taking it forever and Ive never had that prob,

yea i'm serious. I've noticed in their commercials they'll say may cause drowsiness in children. Well I AM small. :p So I guess that's why I got soo tired. I wouldn't have left work if my boss didn't tell me too..and she let me..

09-17-2002, 09:53 PM

09-17-2002, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by h2223m

*sniff*sniff* i've had a bad day...:( bear w/me :o

09-18-2002, 12:40 AM
The last time I saw someone with real swollen lips was my landlady. She came up to my apartment (years ago) and I barely recognized her. She wanted me to drive her to the hospital. She had washed her false teeth:D with of all things Comet Cleanser. She wanted to get ALL the stains out I guess. When she put her teeth back in her mouth she swelled up to a point you would have had to see to believe. I never knew lips could get soooooo BIG:eek:
Hope you can find out why this has happened to ya:confused:

tina z
09-18-2002, 04:10 AM
I am an EMT. My lips swell up when I use any product that has petroleum in it. Chapstick is a huge no-no for me.

((((((((Flutey)))))))I am glad I am not the only one that Zyrtec knocked out. It made me sleep for 16 hours a night and then a good long nap during the day too. I gave it several months to let my system adapt to it and it never did. Allegra leaves me feeling like an airhead. I am back on Claritin and it wipes me out too, just not as bad as Zyrtek.

09-18-2002, 06:01 AM
Different people react to medications in different ways it is not only true for allergy medications. I would talk to an allergist or at least your doctor. In some cases the skin tests do not work well so you may have to keep a diary of everything you eat,drink, comes in contact with your face, etc. Be prepared sometimes it maybe only a chemical or preservative in one certain brand and not be in all brands if it is you will just have to read labels.

09-23-2002, 05:54 PM
Marinafk, I did use the Allegra samples, and it did seem to work, though not entirely. I am using the Zyrtek or something else now and it seems to work so long as I take it daily. Thank you for caring!

gonzo, The pillow idea is a good one, I really should be using those allergy free cases, but Ive never felt a need until now. Thanks!

Ravenlost, I just dont know! I am hoping its not the Cooks champagne I love to have a glass of in the evening! A friend thinks it may be something I use on my lips, but I just cant put anything to it, except maybe that I was using Eucerin on the corners of my lips for some cracking I had at one time last year, then had just noticed it starting again, used the Eucerin, and then WHAM! Fat lips! It may be that.

flute, (whats the Poison Ivy story? hee hee...) I dont know about the Zyrtec reacting that way, I'm sorry about it happening to you!

~Angel Eyez~, I'm sorry about your eyes reaction- getting itchy and watery... I get that way (so does my daughter) with cats. She and I cant touch a cat and then touch our face. But does that stop us from having a cat for a pet? Oh noooo....!! But I do feel bad for you having the problem and not knowing the cause. We should know the cause so we can avoid the problem!

miccit, how does one figure it out?! Crazy, isnt it? And your throat swelling shut is SCARY!! Thats what the EMT's would worry about when they came to help me during my 3 worst adult allergy attacks (seizures, etc). Course they'd say "can you breath okay?" and then Id wonder... was it getting a little tight to breathe? It was awful! When I would get hives on my legs, it was BAD news... they'd (hives) go inside my head and can cause death! Scary there too!

Judy, ROTFLMAO! Too funny, but yet she must have been so fightened!

tina z, I am going to try not using the Eucerine, then the chapstick.. What if it is Chapstick type products? I need them to keep my lips moist! I honestly cant go without.

kidzpca, good advice, again! I need to figure out what the heck is causing this! Thank you all for caring enough to respond!

I awoke again with fat lips today... its everyday. I am so tired of not knowing... so today, right now, I am off the Eucerin to see if it helps. Thank you everyone!

09-23-2002, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by miccit
I have this happen to me a lot. And I wake up with hives on my upper legs. No one can figure out why. Sometimes I will have my entire face swell and throat swell shut. And the allergist can't figure out why.

I think I am allergic to housework but no one goes for that one! Honestly though I am not sure what I am allergic to, cause nothing changes around here and I don't always have this problem.

have you ever been tested for an allergy to dustmites?? they live in the dust in our homes and many people are allergic to them and don't even know it, as the level of dust in the home increases so do the dust mites and the allergic reaction

I have been on seldane, allegra, zyrtec, and just about every other allergy med and the only one that did NOT make me sleepy is the Claritin-D I am on now

is it possible that you are experiencing some type of food allergy, the only other thing I can think of is some type of cosmetic product do you wear any lipstick/lipgloss or make up that may be getting near your lips - there are a lot of additives in them that are common allergens or maybe the soap you are washing your face with???
I hope you feel better soon and (((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

09-23-2002, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by barbaralarry
flute, (whats the Poison Ivy story? hee hee...)

Uhnmmm, errr...we were at the park & I bent down to take a picture of poison ivy. Mom assumes this is why I got poison ivy ALL over myself.
WHat she does NOT know is I went home w/the neighbor kid picked up poison ivy & rubbed it all over myself... :eek: I could barely open my eyes~& the secretaries at school told mom to bring me into school. YEa, what so I can run into the wall? :confused:
HEY i was 12 gimme a break. :rolleyes: :eek: ::eek:

tina z
09-23-2002, 09:12 PM
tina z, I am going to try not using the Eucerine, then the chapstick.. What if it is Chapstick type products? I need them to keep my lips moist! I honestly cant go without.

I have found one kind that I can use, there are probably others, but this one is petroleum free. It is Lip naturals, it is also a sunscreen. I hope that it is ok to post the name of it.