View Full Version : Very Cool

09-12-2002, 09:55 AM
I found this on the Dear Annie site (formerly Ann Landers, changed after her death)

Dear Annie: As we mark the first anniversary of the attacks of September 11, we wanted your readers to be aware of an opportunity to both honor the victims and improve the quality of life in their own communities through a volunteer program called Unity in the Spirit of America. Although the physical centers of this attack are in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, the human tragedy for the friends and families who lost loved ones that day touches every state in our nation and 88 countries around the globe.

The bipartisan Unity in the Spirit of America Act, which we sponsored and which was signed into law by President Bush in January, gives everyone a chance to create a living memorial to the victims of September 11.

Here's how it works: Neighborhood associations, non-profit organizations, houses of worship, local businesses or just friends and neighbors can choose some kind of volunteer project that will improve the quality of life in their communities and promote unity. Projects can include things like cleaning up a park, creating a playground or mentoring students.

Each community decides what kind of project best fits local needs, and the projects will be dedicated to specific victims of the attacks. The names are being assigned by the Points of Light Foundation, which is taking registrations on its Web site -- www.usa.pointsoflight.org -- or by phone at 1-800-VOLUNTEER (1-800-865-8683). Together, these individual projects will span our country and collectively form a national monument to all those who died. Already, 300 projects, representing 62,000 volunteers across 32 states, are underway. Please consider joining them by getting together with your friends, neighbors and coworkers to create your own local memorial to the global tragedy of September 11. Show the world our Unity in the Spirit of America. Sincerely, -- Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), Senator Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.)

Dear Sen. Stabenow and Sen. Kyl: Thank you for your excellent letter. It's wonderful that every citizen can have the opportunity to do something to honor the victims of September 11. We hope they will contact your Web site or call your toll-free number today.