View Full Version : Kids Bdays

09-04-2002, 01:35 PM
has the september list been sent out yet?

09-04-2002, 02:44 PM
I didnt get one. I h***** got a new one since June I think. I just thought no one was doing it anymore:( So if this is still going can someone send me July and August cause Im WAY behind.email me (marisaj_74@yahoo.com)

09-04-2002, 02:53 PM
Hey! I guess I don't know what you guys are talking about. Could you explain? My son turns 4 on Sept. 14!!!!

09-04-2002, 02:55 PM
earlier this year we all signed up with (???) drawing ablank and submitted our kids bdays and mailing addresses. each month everyone who signed up gets the list of all the birthdays for that month and sends a card (or more) to each kid having a bday.

09-04-2002, 03:00 PM
Well, crud! I guess I missed out on that one! :(

09-04-2002, 03:03 PM
I didn't get one either.I e-mailed Melissa last night,but I haven't heard from her yet.I hope everything is okay :confused:

09-04-2002, 03:50 PM
The list is sent!

ahippichic..your came back as undeliverable..please email brighteyes_melissa@yahoo.com so I can verify your address!

Also, i have cracshed several times in the last few months, if your child has a bday please check the list, if they were omitted let me know so I can send out an addition letter!

Thanks to those of you who have been loyal to this, it means alot to the kids!

09-04-2002, 04:06 PM
Can someone let me know if my dot is still on that list? Her b-day is the 9th and quickly approaching!! She says she doesn't want anything, just because we are having money problems- I know what she really wants though:( Anyway- she only gets two cards sent to her each year..and this is her big 13!
If she isn't on the list can I ask everyone to email me and send her some b-day cards?? She would to have a full mailbox!

09-04-2002, 07:18 PM
Ladytiger...I never got anything on your family...was the kids list the one you joined?? Either way send me her name, address, birthdate, age and list of things she is into and I will send them out to everyone! They will be late of course but we will get her some.


09-05-2002, 07:32 AM
Is it possible for me to get in on this?