View Full Version : Is there Life after death?... "Life Afterlife" .John Edwards (spiritual medium)

08-26-2002, 09:51 PM
W/ John Edwards and other spiritual mediums.

Excellent Documentary!
( I just saw it on HBO2 aug.26 /9:30 a.m.,)
* HBO has no info when they'll be airing it again*
BUT IF YOU GET THE CHANCE.. Watch this one!!

If you Like John Edwards (spiritual medium),
& knowing more about the afterlife, Then this
one is for you..!
My Dad passed on, & this Documentary
had me balling my eyes out.
( when there's so much love,,,
there's always so much "hope".)


Is there life after death? Psychologists, scientists,
spiritual mediums and ordinary citizens offer their
takes on the emotional and controversial issue of life
in the hereafter in this fascinating documentary
introduced by Linda Ellerbee. Through vivid testimonials,
the phenomenon is explored and embraced by those who
claim to have communicated with the dead--and refuted by others.

Check it out if you ever get the chance!
Excellent Documentary!

anyone seen it ??


what are your views about the after life?

08-26-2002, 10:06 PM
I wanna watch this! I love this stuff. If you happen to find out when it comes on again, will u let me know? Please.:D

08-27-2002, 03:19 AM
I sure will Tasha405. ;)

08-27-2002, 03:54 AM
I would also love to see this - I watch him every chance I get!

08-27-2002, 04:42 AM
I absolutely LOVE John Edwards! For those who aren't aware, he has his own show, "Crossing", on the Sci-Fi channel. It's on M-F at 9pm central time. He gives me chills watching him.

08-27-2002, 07:06 AM
Cool! I'll have to watch for it, I love 'Crossing over' but I don't get to watch it much.
I've read his book 'One Last Time' it is a good book, he talks alot about his life and how he began to communicate with spirits on the other side.

08-27-2002, 07:31 AM
I love "Crossing Over", wouldn't you just
love to see him live ( and get a reading)! :D
"Crossing Over", is also on the Sci-Fi channel.
at 11pm PST / M-Th

The Documentary "LIFE AFTERLIFE" was so fascinating!
I hope you all get to watch it!!!
they also had that medium who "scribbles a pen across
a pad of paper, while doing a reading.,
(he said it helps him to focus)
he was right on the money with his reading.
HBO has no mention of when they'll be airing it again.
but, lets all keep out eyes out for it.
I wanna see it again too!

08-27-2002, 09:37 AM
Is this the one where (I think it was John Edwards) tells the woman her dead husband knew she went out and bought new underwear after he died? I think she said that she didn't know if she liked him knowing that kind of stuff.

Anyway, if it's the same one then it's pretty old. I remember seeing it at least a couple of years ago. So they probably won't show it that much,if at all.:( I wish I had seen it was on. I would have liked to have watched it again.