View Full Version : Any Mercedes Lackey fans out there?

08-24-2002, 08:37 PM
I've never read anything of hers, but have heard good things about her books. With what book would you suggest I start?

08-24-2002, 08:57 PM
Me Me Me!!!

LOL, not that I get all excited over it or anything. =)

Well for starters she writes one "Main" series of books which are her Valdemar books.

I read them in the order published since I started reading em years ago LOL... Not really a problem with that, but it's sort of interesting to read them Chronologicly(sp?) If you wanted to do that, you would start with "The Mage Wars Series" ( The Black Gryphon
The White Gryphon & The Silver Gryphon) which although not her best series, it does build the history of which the "world" is based. If you want to kind of "ease" into the books, you might consider the first series she published which is the "Heralds of Valdemar Series" (Arrows of the Queen, Arrows Flight, & Arrows Fall)

Here's a webpage that lists em all chronoglogicly:


It's a tad bit outdated but you'll get the idea. =)

She also has written several other great Stand Alone Novels, and Mini-series' too, which you may want to try too. My favorite of those is a very under-rated book she wrote with Piers Anthony (Writer of the Xanith books) called "If I pay thee not in gold" which was pretty much critically panned but... *shrugs*

Hope I helped some, if ya got any questions feel free to drop me a line. Queensown@hotpop.com

And as an added bonus if you read some of her stuff you'll learn the meaning behind my user name! ;)

08-24-2002, 09:04 PM
thanks Queensown:)

And you just changed your sig - I just replied about the one you had before in another thread - it's one of my fave DMB songs (Two-Step)

I like all the DMB songs, though, lol, so keep changing 'em if you want (like you needed my permission, lmbo!)

In fact, I'm listening to them right now, #34

08-24-2002, 09:09 PM
Lol, I decided to have a diff DMB quote of the week (or whenever I decide to change it LOL) gets boring looking at the same quote everyday =)

Jolie Rouge
08-24-2002, 10:51 PM
She is one of my FAVORITE writers !

She has writen a number of series besides the Valdemar series - too hard to choose a "Best Pick"

Their is also her "Bardic Voices" series begining with "Lark and the Wren".

She also has two female detective characters - one Native American featured in "Sacred Waters". The other is Diane Tregarde (I think) who is in several books "Jinx High" among others. Both deal with Supernatural forces ....

All of her works are VERY well writen and thoroughly researched.

Queensown : And as an added bonus if you read some of her stuff you'll learn the meaning behind my user name!

KEWL ! I never realised ...

08-25-2002, 06:49 AM
I love her books!

I really enjoyed her series about elves living in present day California. Really good characters and stories, and she has a wonderful sense of humor- one scene that stands out for me was when one of the main characters had been captured by the Unseelie (the bad elves), and to keep their telepaths from reading his mind was singing They Might Be Giants songs. LOL!

I've read most of the Valdemar series, but not in the right order. I didn't have too much trouble with that, but it's probably better to start at the beginning... I think my favorite was the Last Herald-Mage trilogy. I read a lot of fantasy, and I think she has some of the best characters that don't fall into the typical fantasy stereotypes.

08-25-2002, 09:30 AM
I love her style of writing. Very descriptive, yet still fairly easy to understand. Queensown, thanx for that link; I'll have to bookmark it so I can get all the book titles when I've got the extra $$$ to get them.

CKERR4: You can't go wrong with one of her books! I started reading them when I was about 12 or 13, and my daughter, who just turned 12, wants to start reading them too. Just pick one, and enjoy! :D

08-25-2002, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Liriell
I love her style of writing. Very descriptive, yet still fairly easy to understand.


Yup, I am a fantasy junkie now and read everything even remotely fantasy related that I get my hands on and when people ask me for a fantasy recommendation I always turn to Mercedes Lackey's stuff first. It's really good "starter" fantasy because it's not so heavy and hard to get into like alot of fantasy tends to be. (for example my mom didn't enjoy lord of the rings because she felt all they did was walk and fight LOL!!) but yet she enjoys reading Mercedes Lackey (Her favorite ML book is "the black swan" which is a retelling of swan lake)

08-25-2002, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Queensown

(for example my mom didn't enjoy lord of the rings because she felt all they did was walk and fight LOL!!)

LOL! I absolutely love LOTR, and read it at least once a year- but I have to admit that there is a lot of walking and fighting...