View Full Version : Anybody in NY or surrounding area want to rescue a puppy?

08-15-2002, 08:24 AM
There are two puppies in the Long Island, New York area who need to be adopted ASAP. They are scheduled to be put to sleep on Monday, 8/19/02!:(
They are both Pitbulls.

1. 8 month old male tri-color rescued from a cruelty/neglect situation
2. 11 week old male brindle dumped at shelter

They have been vaccinated/wormed. The person who gave me this info says she will have them neutered, pay all adoption fees, and transport them as far as she can. They just need a safe place to go.

You can see them at:

08-15-2002, 08:25 AM
AWW how sad:( Maybe someone will adopt them:)

08-15-2002, 09:10 AM
Awww....I wish I was closer!

If you remember, I posted in April of 2001, My pit was killed 5 days before her first birthday. She was my best buddy! I don't care what people say about this breed of dogs, they are GOOD dogs. I'm in E. TN and no way could I travel that far to get a dog. My hubby would kill me. If I just lived a few states closer I would love to have them! They are both adorable but the little one is just beautiful!

If someone here on BBS knows someone in that area that could take them, CALL THEM BEFORE IT"S TOO LATE! It's a shame people dump animals and are cruel to them!


08-15-2002, 09:18 AM
If you could take one, they may be able to set up a transport to get the puppy to you! I'm telling you, we've gotten them cross-country before. I'm possibly transporting a couple of pups today. I know of some that were transported from Tennessee to Florida... There are lots of volunteers who can help! Email her and ask her about it at fourhappydogs@webtv.net Believe me, if we can find someone who wants them we can usually find a way to transport them!

I am so sorry about your pit baby. I agree, they are the sweetest most loyal and loving dogs you'd ever want to meet. I feel luck to be owned by three of them, plus an honorary pit, lol!

08-15-2002, 09:39 AM

I will email her now...But I will have you know I'm gonna be in deep doo doo for this!! :) I am more than willing to take the younger of the 2 dogs! I own 2 big dogs now but we have a kennel and they have quite a bit of room to play! They get walked twice a day and go to the lake once a week. Now if I get my way, like I did with Kiara, my pit that was killed, the dog will be indoors!!! Kiara was a couch dog...loved to sit in the air condition.

Just to let you know, I take in stray's where I live. We spay/neuter get shots and 9 times out of 10 keep them. LOL

Our 2 big dogs are outdoor dogs, except in the winter. I'm a sucker for sad eyes. They are in the house when it's cold outside. I also have 2 little dogs indoors. Then we have 10 cats, a 55 gallon tank of fish, and a parakeet.

I hope I can help out!

08-15-2002, 09:45 AM
You are a sweetheart and a half! I know what you mean. I am a sucker for the sad eyes, too. It just kills me that I can't save them all. If I had lots of property, I'd take the older of the two, and then you and I would have two more furbabies saved! We have a housefull, too.
Thank you for at least trying.

08-15-2002, 10:02 AM

I emailed her and within seconds, I got this back:

Failed to deliver to 'fourhappydogs@webtv.net'
SMTP module(domain webtv.net) reports:
host smtpin.mx.we says:
554 <dc-mx03.cluster1.charter.net[]>: Client host rejected: Resource temporarily unavailable - spam complaints http://info.webtv.net/spam/index.html#

What does this mean??? Do you have any other way to get in touch with her?? PLMK


08-15-2002, 10:05 AM
I have no idea what that means, but I just heard from her via email. Maybe her email box is ful??? Why don't you email me what you want to send her and I will forward it to her, and see if that works.

08-15-2002, 10:13 AM
Emailed you! Maybe you can get it to go through...Let me know.

08-15-2002, 10:54 AM
If you can find a way to get him here, I'll take one or both of them. :) PLMK.


08-15-2002, 10:54 AM
blueyez, I forwarded your email to her. Come on now...anyone else??? These puppies are SO sweet! They NEED to be loved in a happy home, not left to die in a shelter. They are running out of time!
Thanks everyone who looks at this. Please mention the pups to anyone who may be able to help.

08-15-2002, 10:59 AM
Did you read my post? We posted at the same time. LOL

08-15-2002, 11:07 AM
thanks sharinbo...I'll let you know what happens!

08-15-2002, 11:39 AM




08-15-2002, 11:49 AM
I've said before, but I'll say it again.

My son has a nearly 7 year old female pit bull. Has had her since she was a pup, rescued from a shelter. Ringo is the most intelligent, well-behaved, gentle, sweet dog I've ever been around. (and I've had, and been around a LOT of dogs in my life) She doesn't have a mean streak in her. She's the biggest lapdog, sweetheart in the world.

It is NOT the breed. It is the owner/s that give pittys a bad name. People get these dogs, think they have some tough, bad*ss killer dog and treat it and train it to behave in that manner. You can take ANY breed of dog and raise it to be agressive and anti-social. I've seen yorkies and poodles meaner than most pits I've been around. DON'T let the breed keep you from adopting a wonderful animal.

When Brian was finishing up his last two years of college, I kept Ringo here (his landlord finally found out he had a dog, and no pets were allowed) I run a daycare. This dog (and this breed) is wonderful with children. I had little ones that would actually LAY on top of Ringo and use her as a 'pillow' while they napped, and Ringo would lay there happily while the kids slept.

It is NOT the breed.

08-15-2002, 12:38 PM
I'm looking for a dog now, but I'm in Florida. I had a pit bull years ago & she was a sweetie. Oh well, back to the newspaper, I guess. The pound here is too picky....they insist on fenced yard, etc. That's a shame, too, because that would be my first place to look. Good luck finding homes. Those two are beautiful dogs.

08-15-2002, 01:29 PM
aww wish i could help, but i so have my hands full with my 3 dogs, and cats, plus the litter of 6 puppies my chi had last week.

08-15-2002, 01:29 PM
Oh yeah keep us updated!

08-15-2002, 07:32 PM
bump!! i hope someone adopts them!

08-16-2002, 08:23 AM
up you go, bump bump

08-16-2002, 10:02 AM
I got this in my email...

Thank you very much for your offer to adopt the pit pup!
It sounds like you would be a very good home for him. I am hoping to
place him in a home closer to here for transport reasons, because
tranporting him far is very hard to do and too much experience with that
but...if I can not find him a close-by home, then I would be "very
happy" to let you adopt him. I would then have to find a rescue
transport to get him to you. That takes time, but can be done! I will
let you know by Friday night the latest as to whether or not he still
needs a home. Thank you!!!!!!!!!

Guess I'll hear something this evening... I'll let you know if I find anything out.

***Sharinbo*** Have you heard anything? Keep us updated!

08-16-2002, 10:05 AM
Do keep up updated!!

08-17-2002, 05:29 AM
Just bumping back up for Sharinbo to give us an update on these cuties!

Never did hear back from them as to if they placed them in a home. Please let us know as soon as you hear something.

08-17-2002, 07:00 AM
I've heard that they have gotten them into a foster home in Connecticut, I believe. I'll let you know when I hear anything else, but it sounds like they were saved, and that's awesome! Thank you to everyone here who offered to help or even wished they could. It's comforting to know there are so many wonderful people here.