View Full Version : I find it strange

08-13-2002, 07:10 AM
Has anyone else been watching the Van Dam murder trial? While I don't like the defendant at all am I the only one that finds the child's fathers behavior strange? He put her to bed at 10pm, didn't check on her, finds one of the downstairs door opened and doesn't check to see if she is in her room. While much has been made about this couple's lifestyle thats their business but the way the father didn't check on the girl knowing someone possibly might have been in the house is strange and then I heard that police asked for them not to disturb anything in the house and he the father vacuums. Did the police investigate the father and did anyone check their computers to see what was on it? And has anyone watched the home videos they keep showing at intervals of her bashfully covering up her chest like someone is teasing her? I haven't watched the entire trial but I find some things very strange, can anyone answer these questions since I haven't watched the whole thing and am I the only one that finds these things strange?

08-13-2002, 07:19 AM
to be honest I haven't paid that much attention to it, however since what you posted has raised my curiosity about it ,I will try to watch more and if I see anything I'll post about it.

08-13-2002, 07:29 AM
The ONLY question I can answer is about the Bashfully covering her chest thing........if you will notice her Aunt (the lady in the video with her ) and her BOTH have on the same shirt...I believe it was a DisneyWorld shirt and someone makes reference to her about her shirt matching.....so she playfully covers it up~my sons do this at times too. I , in my heart, dont think the Father had anything to do with her disappearance or her death. However I do find it odd that he didnt bother to check on the kids once he put them to bed ESPECIALLY after the alarm showed that door to be open...I would have went up and checked on my kids first thing. I do that all through the night anyway (a mom thing I guess). I just wish he had cheked on the kids to make sure they were all there and safe~maybe he would have noticed her missing sooner and they might have had a chance at finding the little angel alive~I am sure he must go over all the "what if I had only done this"........every single day~and probably will for the rest of his life. I also feel certain that the family and their home were VERY well checked out because if you have watched the case at all unfold~the family has been put through hell~almost like it was THEIR fault their baby is dead~and every single aspect of their life has been scrutinized by the Defense and the media..because of their lifestyle~and I just think that is wrong. That little girl is dead because of the demented , sickening actions of a perverted individual. I do not at all condone the VamDams choice of LifeStyle~but that is neither here nor there~and NONE of my business~the thing is~ it was NOT their fault~So sorry to ramble.....I have followed the entire murder trial and I just feel so saddened by her death ..I am a VERY compassionate person and I just hope that there is some sense of justice found (IF there even is such a thing) for this poor baby~and her family......The jury is on there 4th day of deliberation today I believe...
Long winded today.......so very sorry {{{mesue}}}

08-13-2002, 07:44 AM
and every single aspect of their life has been scrutinized by the Defense and the media..because of their lifestyle~and I just think that is wrong. That little girl is dead because of the demented , sickening actions of a perverted individual. I do not at all condone the VamDams choice of LifeStyle~but that is neither here nor there~and NONE of my business~the thing is~ it was NOT their fault~So sorry to ramble.....]

I also agree their lifestyle is no ones business and I also hate the way they have been drug through the mud because of it. Thanks for the answer I figured it might be something as simple as that but wasn't sure. I too feel sorry for them but just can't get past the odd things that went on like the vacuuming after police asked them not to disturb anything and then finding doors open and not checking on the kids. Of course people react differently to things ( may have never occured to him the child could be in danger) and everyone deals with grief in different ways (cleaning)

08-13-2002, 03:15 PM
I think it was Dateline that did a big story on this a few weeks ago. From what I got out of that, the defense team is trying to attack the family's lifestyle and make them look bad because other than that, they don't have much of a defense. There was some lawyer on there that was explaining how things like that are done. I think it's awful. These people have lost their child. Nobody cared about their lifestyle before. I know that there are some cases that I think the family had something to do with it or knows something (for example--Jonbenet Ramsey, JMO)but I really think these people have been focused on way too much.

08-13-2002, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by mrs.john
I think it was Dateline that did a big story on this a few weeks ago. From what I got out of that, the defense team is trying to attack the family's lifestyle and make them look bad because other than that, they don't have much of a defense. There was some lawyer on there that was explaining how things like that are done. I think it's awful. These people have lost their child. Nobody cared about their lifestyle before. I know that there are some cases that I think the family had something to do with it or knows something (for example--Jonbenet Ramsey, JMO)but I really think these people have been focused on way too much.

I feel the same way ~

08-13-2002, 09:40 PM
The jury will decide,
But some more thoughts to add...

I do believe that the VamDams have
been through a tremenous amount of pain,
by losing a child and nobody wants
to see them hurt anymore.
but as far as the defense goes,
I believe that the VamDams
lifestyle does shows "opportunity"
for strangers to be in their
home and around the children.
(ie; Open house for all kinds
of things to happen)

going back to the strange habits
of the father, besides vacumming,
what I also find strange is that
they didn't find any finger prints
of the people who were at the house
, that night.
(They didn't even find any of the
little girls finger prints in her room.)(?)

leaves you wondering why anyone
would clean that much??

I think this is going to be a wild
verdict. because altho there was a
speck of blood on denfendents jacket,
& carpet in motor home,hair fibers,
finger prints. I wonder what the jury
is thinking? are those things "Proof"
of her death? or simply shows that at one
time, she was in the motor home, &
playing ( finger prints) and
had a bloody nose??, cut herself?
( blood specks)

just something to think about.....

boy I would love to be a fly on that jury wall.

08-13-2002, 10:15 PM
going back to the strange habits
of the father, besides vacumming,
what I also find strange is that
they didn't find any finger prints
of the people who were at the house
, that night.
(They didn't even find any of the
little girls finger prints in her room.)(?) [/B]

Even more interesting than that~IF you have watched the trial In David Westerfiled's RV~There are NONE of his fingerprints at all in the RV~and the detectives said the RV had not been dusted or cleaned inside that there was a thin layer of dust on the cabinets, counters, etc...but that doesnt mean he has never been in his OWN RV~all that means is that he didn have anything on his hands/fingertips to leave a print. The Print detective went into great detail to explain this matter~go to wwwcourttv.com and read the transripts of the trial I believe it will give you a better understanding of whats went on in there if you didnt watch it first hand on television