View Full Version : Seattle Kids Fair Update!

08-11-2002, 11:39 AM
We went to the Seattle Kids Fair yesterday. I didn't see anyone from BBS though. I had my sign, but didn't see anyone else with their sign. I waited around for about 20 minutes, and then the kids started getting antsy to get on the rides.

I am going to e-mail Moonmama. I thought maybe something might have come up and she didn't make it.

Since she is local, I will try to meet up with her another time.

Of course, as bad as my kids were yesterday she might have seen me with my sign and ran the other way! It was hot and they were grumpy.

08-11-2002, 12:16 PM
Glad you had a good time. Wish it was closer so I could have taken grandkids.

08-11-2002, 03:28 PM
I know this has nothing to do with kid fair but I manage get a hold some old friends in tacoma, they let her stay with them. Her friend had to come down and visit her. Well, I got bad news and good news now she know why I want to move back and the bad news is she want to come along. She want to go to mt rainier( I 'm the one with the crazy sister)