View Full Version : Computer registry question

08-09-2002, 08:13 AM
Does anyone know of a good easy to use automatic registry cleaner that is freeware or a fully functional trial version?please please help:) . I just dont have the bucks right now to spend on software.
I know if Lasher is here she could help:)

08-09-2002, 08:40 AM

lavasoft Adware

08-09-2002, 08:46 AM
Thanks Lasher I already use this one.What my problem is(and i hope i'm explaining this good)is that i uninstalled a bunch of programs that i dont use anymore the thing is they still show up in the registry and they try to reinstall themselves or do something and it is driving me nuts cause i always get stupid error messages so i figure if I can gt those out of the registry i'll be alright,also i used to use kazzaa for example and i uninstalled it deleted it but it is still in the registry so how do i know what is safe to get rid of and how?

08-09-2002, 08:52 AM
and search for regcleaner. It works really well.

08-09-2002, 09:06 AM
thanks this is good i removed a bunch of stuff that i was sure of there is probably still stuff on there that dont need to be but thats ok ,i left the stuf alone with kryptic names and wird program names.
thanks to Lasher and Legion.:)