View Full Version : POLL : Is the media overexposing child abduction cases?

Jolie Rouge
08-06-2002, 09:24 AM
Yes, to boost ratings. 36%
- OR -

No, people need to know.

I think the media picks and chooses which cases they choose to highlight in a blatant ratings bid. I think they should have a regular feature -EVERY DAY - to show children who have been abducted a nation wide AMBER ALERT of sorts.

08-06-2002, 09:27 AM
No, I think they should cover them,

but I agree they pick cases they think will give them better ratings, I think it should be a PSA, not a neilson boost.

08-06-2002, 09:34 AM
No, people need to know. I agree about the ratings issue also,But I think people need to know,because that child could be in your neighborhood,and the more people who know the better,and if it was my child,I would want someone to be aware of the case.JMHO

08-06-2002, 09:43 AM
NO!!! But I do think they pick and choose which ones they air. They should air pictures of every child taken!!:)

08-06-2002, 02:00 PM
I agree with what joule rouge said they do pick certain cases and it seems the ones with money, they should put all cases regardless.

08-06-2002, 04:49 PM
Actually, I heard that abduction percentages have fallen.
I do believe that it should be covered. I got so steamed when everyone started talking about that one rich girl who got abducted. I'm sorry I don't care how much money u have, u cover one u cover all!!
BOOOHISSS!!! Tho, in The View's defense, they're now doing a "view on crime" thing & have mentioned more than the spoiled lil rich girl. That is GOOD for them!!

08-06-2002, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by 2manykids
I agree with what joule rouge said they do pick certain cases and it seems the ones with money, they should put all cases regardless. DITTO!!!

08-06-2002, 07:56 PM
I have mixed feelings about this. Yes it should be covered, broadcast on all television stations (AND radio) IMMEDIATELY, when a child is classified as 'missing' or 'abducted.' I was impressed how quickly CNN and the other national stations were broadcasting pictures of little Casey (the 5 year old from St. Louis that was murdered a couple weeks ago) I actually got an 'emergency' email from a local radio station here with the information and # to call if you have any info or leads. And I agree, each morning and evening, the national news stations should show an ending clip of all missing/exploited children across the nation.

BUT. I'm also concerned and feel that the intense media attention lately on the abductions could be causing 'copy cat' crimes.

And ...the little girl from Valley Park...her parents had no money, lower middle class working people, living in a lower income area. I don't agree that they only choose the wealthy people's kids...it's just that wealthy people have more resources at their disposal.

And - I almost forgot. Yes they should broadcast missing children. But the media also needs to know when to STOP - after a child has been found, alive or dead. In the case of the little girl from Valley Park, one local tv station actually televised the funeral. And I'm sure that they had to have the family's approval, but I still found it distasteful.

~Angel Eyez~
08-06-2002, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by flute
Actually, I heard that abduction percentages have fallen.

I heard this too, they are publicizing now more even though percents have gone down, making people panic and think that all of a sudden its like something that happens constanly. Child abducion is very sad I dont know about covering them all 60,000 happen a year majorty are family members...The Amber Alert thing they have in some states seems to work though

08-07-2002, 04:38 AM
I think they should televise and talk about it as much as possible and I don't think it should matter about whether a child is rich or not a missing child is a missing child. I'm not trying to say anything bad about the parents who have lost their children this way I'm sure most were good parents but from what I've seen at some of the stores here lately I'm surprised more are not missing. And then the parents who leave little ones sitting in cars alone. The media should do more broadcasts about how people should call the police when they see this happening. My daughter went to the park with her little one and was talking to another young mother who had my daughter thought 2 children, finally when the mother didn't get the little girl away from the creek my daughter asked her if she was not concerned about her little girl playing in the creek. She responded I thought she belonged to you. No one else was there. My daughter stayed at the park with my grandson and also watched this little girl for 2 hours, finally she had to go and she asked the little girl where her mommy was and the little girl said that her mommy was at work so my daughter called the police. She said she felt really bad doing that but she didn't want to turn on the news and hear about this child being kidnapped or drowned, etc., and feel responsible because she had done nothing so her only alternative was to call the police. She watched the little one until the police showed up. I guess all of us are going to have to start looking out for and helping one another especially the little ones.

08-07-2002, 05:25 AM
I think they should show every child and not just a few that they pick out...The media needs to be involved as it could save a childs life if someone has seen them but I just think all the children deserve to be seen and told about...

mesue, yay for your daughter...if only more people would get involved like that...that poor little girl...I am glad your daughter was there...

Jolie Rouge
08-07-2002, 10:36 AM
I dont know about covering them all 60,000 happen a year majorty are family members...The Amber Alert thing they have in some states seems to work though

The Amber Alert is not used in "family-related" abductions - the child rarely comes to physical harm in those cases (although I am sure they are still devastating). The Amber Alert System is used in "stranger" abductions. The statistics on a child's life expectancy in the case of a "predator-abduction" is THREE HOURS.