View Full Version : What's the State of the Human Condition? Just Ducky!!

Jolie Rouge
07-28-2002, 10:18 PM
We always hear about the tragic, the sad, the cruel & the corrupt - I just wanted to share something pleasant, positive, & simple with you....

Dear Ann Landers:
I want to share a story with your readers. I was in Portland, Ore., two weeks ago, traveling on an eight-lane highway. There was a lot of traffic, and everyone was in a hurry. I noticed a mother duck, limping, with five baby ducks following her right onto the interstate. They were headed for a park on the other side.

I was on the far lane and could do nothing. I got off at the next exit and turned back, fully expecting to see a bunch of ducks run over. To my amazement, all traffic on both sides of the highway had stopped. Many people were out of their cars making a safe path for the mother duck and her babies to cross. No one was honking or swearing.

I sat in my car and cried. We read about cruelty every day, and these total strangers worked together for the sake of those little ducks. Beautiful? You bet! -- Sentimental in Washington State

Dear Washington:
Your letter warmed my heart. I truly believe people are basically good, and your story proved it. Thanks for writing.

**Editor's Note:
Ann Landers answered her readers' letters up to her death on June 22. The following was one of her last columns.