View Full Version : What is the....

07-26-2002, 01:05 PM
funniest/dumbest thing that an adult has asked you?or done????

1st one that comes to mind for me is one day

asking my SIL to get some mixed veggies out of the pantry. She brought 1 can each of corn, beans, and peas!!!!!!

And yeah she is blonde!!!!

Do you have any good ones????

07-26-2002, 02:01 PM
lol, I used to work at a store called "Everything's a Dollar." People all the time would ask me, "How much is this?" Bet you can guess the answer:rolleyes:

Or there was the time my cousin talked about putting her young son in a mother's day out type program at a nearby church. My other cousin asked her if that was the church she went to, and the first cousin said, "no what made you think that - I'm not even Christian." Well, we were all surprised to hear that, so I asked her what was she (thinking she would say Buddhist, athiest, etc,), and she said, "I'm Baptist." My aunt says we're mean because we couldn't stop laughing long enough to explain why we were laughing:D